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Celebrity - News

Celebs Who Can’t Stand Jimmy Fallon
Former “Saturday Night Live” co-star Tracy Morgan says he loathed Fallon’s habit of breaking character and laughing through sketches, because it took the spotlight away from the ensemble. Morgan said he “told him not to do that s*** in my sketches, and so he never did,” which suggests Fallon did all that laughing on purpose.
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Host of the TBS show “Full Frontal” Samantha Bee publicly admonished Jimmy Fallon (and NBC by extension) for his light-hearted “Tonight Show” interview with Donald Trump. Bee theorized that by interviewing someone who was “playing footsie with fringe groups,” Fallon and NBC were saying that “ratings matter more than brown people.”
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David Letterman told Vulture in 2017 that he found fault with Fallon’s relatively apolitical stance. Fallon didn’t ask many pointed or probing questions in his infamous 2016 interview with Donald Trump, which disappointed Letterman, as he believed that there was an “obligation” to do so.
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lOUIS c.k.
Louis C.K. is known for his “serious” sense of humor, and this style clashed with Jimmy Fallon’s “lighter” comedy fare during their interview on “The Tonight Show” in 2017. Fallon tried to add to C.K.’s joke about loving naps, and C.K. was obviously unimpressed, as he smirked judgmentally and responded, “That’s such a dumb thing to say.”
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Chris Christie
When Chris Christie appeared on “The Tonight Show” in 2015, he told a story about getting ice cream, and Fallon took the opportunity to riff about how excited Christie must have been, and imitated him cheering and pumping his fists. Christie has weathered countless jokes about his weight, and he was so shocked by this one that he tried to leave the stage before Fallon got him to return.
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