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Hallmark Stars With Great On-Screen Chemistry
Lacey & Brennan
Brennan Elliott and Lacey Chabert partnered for “All of My Heart” in 2015. The chemistry was there on-screen because they teamed up again for “A Christmas Melody.”
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The actors’ chemistry was so undeniable that they reunited for “All of My Love: Inn Love,” “All of My Heart: The Wedding,” and several films in the “Crossword Mysteries” series.
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Holly & Rick
Holly Robinson Peete and former NBA star Rick Fox have starred in five “Morning Show Mystery” movies. The first film debuted in 2018 and the most recent in 2019.
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Sadly for fans, the chemistry between Peete and Fox may not be seen again because, in 2021, the Hallmark Channel debuted the sixth film without Fox.
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Josie & Jack
Josie Bissett and Jack Wagner co-starred in “Melrose Place” before they ever joined the Hallmark Channel. They reunited for 2016’s “The Wedding March.”
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Viewers loved the chemistry between the two, and the film was so successful that it spawned several sequels. Their on-screen chemistry is thanks to their off-screen friendship.
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Robert & Jonathan
Robert Buckley and Jonathan Bennett teamed up in 2020 to play siblings in “The Christmas House.” They proved to be a great pair as a sequel came in 2021.
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Bennett revealed in an interview with ET Canada that the brotherly vibe that viewers see in the movies was something they both experienced immediately.
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Nikki & Andrew
Andrew Walker and Nikki DeLoach are Hallmark Channel veterans, and first partnered in 2016. By 2023, the pair have since worked together on countless projects.
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The actors are so close that she even suggested Walker for the role in “Sweet Autumn.” The actors first bonded over the fact that they recently became first-time parents.
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