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Inside Adam Levine's Relationship History
Jane Herman
If you’ve wondered whether Maroon 5’s debut album, “Songs About Jane,” was about a real woman named Jane, it turns out it was. Levine revealed to Rolling Stone that the album was about Jane Herman, a Vogue editor, whom he dated from 1997 to 2001, saying “She was my muse for years [...] then it kind of faded away.”
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Jessica Simpson
Before marrying NFL player Eric Johnson, Jessica Simpson was married to Nick Lachey from 2002 to 2005, and rumor has it Adam Levine played a role in the couple’s divorce. According to Us Weekly, Levine and Simpson supposedly had a short-lived romance in 2004 which Levine apparently ended via text message.
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Rebecca Ginos
In a 2007 interview with Howard Stern, Levine brought along his then-girlfriend, cocktail waitress Rebecca Ginos, whom he called “the hottest girl in the entire f****** universe.” They seemed to be the real deal, with Levine saying “it turned into something amazing […] And I love her,” but ultimately, they broke up around 2009.
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Cameron Diaz
After Ginos, Levine was seen having dinner with actress Cameron Diaz. Diaz had reportedly broken up with her boyfriend, model Paul Scolfer, that month, adding fuel to the rumors. Ultimately there’s not much news about her fling with Levine, and when the two appeared on “Saturday Night Live” in 2013, there didn’t seem to be bad blood.
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Angela Bellotte
By September 2009, Levine was spotted with model Angela Bellotte in New York City, but the short romance lasted for less than a year. After his string of flings, Levine was labeled a playboy, and he admitted to being unfaithful, saying “Instinctively, monogamy is not in our genetic makeup […] I have cheated.”
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