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Strange Things About Chelsea Clinton's Marriage

Celebrity - News

opposites attract
While Chelsea Clinton drops multi-syllable words in conversation, her husband Marc Mevinsky describes himself as "just a nerdy Jewish boy from Philly." He admits to being more air-headed than his wife, which Chelsea's circle finds endearing, but the chief of staff for the Clinton Foundation says Marc is still "wicked-smart."

'royal wedding'

Clinton and Mezvinsky's 2010 wedding at New York's Astor Courts estate reportedly cost up to $5 million. It consisted of an $11,000 cake, $250,00 for Chelsea's jewelry, $109,000 for "tables and crockery," $600,000 for glass-walled, air-conditioned tents, $500,000 for flowers, and $200,000 for extra security.

Early marriage trouble?

Six months after the wedding, CBS 2 alleged that Clinton's marriage was "collapsing under pressure from work and family" and she was seeking separation. Mezvinsky took a three-month break from his job in Wyoming while Clinton stayed in Manhattan, leading to the rumors, but other sources said none of them were true.

meet the parents

Marc's father already had an awkward history with Chelsea's dad before the couple even got married. Disgraced politician Ed Mezvinsky pleaded guilty to running "a Ponzi-esque scheme" that defrauded nearly $10 million from investors, and though he pleaded for a pardon from President Bill Clinton, he was not given one.

a conspiracy theory

Actor Scott Baio once wrote on Facebook, "So Chelsea is married to George SOROS nephew [...] Are we getting the picture yet and what will happen unless Trump is elected? The Clinton — Mezvinsky — Soros Connection." Chelsea is definitely not married to any of liberal billionaire George Soros' nephews, but okay, Scott.