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Celebrity - News

Strange Things About Mike Pence's Marriage


Extreme faithfulness

According to an interview with The Hill, Mike Pence won't even eat a meal alone with another woman besides his wife, Karen. The former vice president even goes as far as to refuse any female aides when working late; one staff member from The Daily Show tweeted, "It's ok, Mike Pence. No one wants to be alone with you either."

No alcohol

Pence also revealed that he won’t attend events featuring alcohol without his wife. This likely ties into the evangelical Christian "Billy Graham Rule," which tells men not to interact with women besides their wives to avoid sexual tempation — because all women besides good, married ones are temptresses, apparently.

the bread proposal

Mike proposed to Karen by hollowing out "two loaves of bread, placing a small bottle of champagne in one and [a] ring box in the other." They then proceeded to "[feed] the ducks at a local canal," where his wife-to-be found the ring unsuspectingly; the couple later shellacked the loaf of bread to have as a keepsake.

Karen's divorce

Karen Pence (then Karen Batten) met her first husband, Steve Whitaker, in high school, and she married him at the tender age of 21. At the time, Karen was a Catholic — a religion where divorce has long been frowned upon — but the church granted her an annulment, and we can't fault her for making a mistake while young.

Top advisor

In case you didn't get the memo from our first two points, Katen is literally always at Mike's side, possibly while holding a tray of cookies. She personally admits to not knowing much about politics, but she's still easily one of Pence's top advisors due to her constant presence everywhere from events and rallies to trips overseas.