Katherine Heigl of “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Knocked Up” was riding high in 2007, but an infamous interview with Vanity Fair turned her into one of America’s most disliked celebrities. Here’s how she trashed her own work and made enemies with former fans and co-stars.
Heigl went on a rant about her first major film role in “Knocked Up,” calling it “sexist” and her character a “b***h,” blaming her feelings on the film’s writers. She stated that “Ninety-eight percent of the time it was an amazing experience, but it was hard for me to love the movie.”
This wasn’t the first time Heigl acted ungrateful and threw her colleagues under the bus. Not long before her Vanity Fair story broke, Heigl refused an Emmy nomination for “Grey’s Anatomy,” saying, “I did not feel that I was given the material this season to warrant an Emmy nomination.”