Chris Columbus, director of the first two "Harry Potter" films, saw Daniel Radcliffe acting in miniseries "David Copperfield" and wanted to audition the young boy for "Harry Potter." However, Radcliffe's parents initially turned this offer down, as Radcliffe himself told The Hollywood Reporter in 2011.
"[...] the deal was to sign on for — I think — six films, all to be done in LA," Radcliffe said, "and my mum and dad simply said, 'That's too much disruption to his life. That's not gonna happen.'" His parents feared that such a long contract for a high-profile film franchise would interrupt Radcliffe's childhood.
Months after Radcliffe's parents rejected Columbus, the filming location was moved to Radcliffe's homeland of England, and the contract deal was reduced to two films. Apparently, this changed the worrying mum and dad's minds, and Radcliffe signed on to play the role that would come to define his career.