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The Truth About Alex Rodriguez's Affair With Madonna

Celebrity - News


Alex Rodriguez's alleged romance with Madonna was the talk of Tinseltown back in 2008. Gossip blogs claimed the two got together while Rodriguez was still married to his former wife and the mother of his two daughters, Cynthia Scurtis, and Madonna was wed to Guy Ritchie, father to her son Rocco Ritchie.

A source claims that Scurtis left Rodriguez after reports that he'd spent time with Madonna: "The embarrassment over Madonna was the last straw. She flew to Paris to get out of town before everything blew up between them." Scurtis also allegedly found a letter where Rodriguez told Madonna she was his "true soulmate."

Rodriguez also reportedly got into Kabbalah, Madonna's religion at the time; Kabbalah also played a role in her 2008 divorce from Ritchie. When Rodriguez was asked about Madonna in December 2008, all he said was, "We're friends," but Cynthia Scurtis still alleged infidelity in her divorce papers.

Earle Lilly, Scurtis' lawyer, shed more light on the situation in July 2008, when she suggested that Madonna and A-Rod may not have had a physical affair, but did have an emotional affair. "Some people categorize an affair as something as sexual infidelity. We're not claiming that. It's an affair of the heart," Lilly said.