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This Is How Far Donald Trump Jr. Actually Got In School


During his father's 2020 campaign for president, Donald Trump Jr. tried to appeal to the working-class audience by saying that he grew up in the Rust Belt, a region of the US defined by industrial decline. However, Don Jr. has attended some very prestigious and pricey schools that are at odds with his statements.

Trump Jr. and his brother Eric attended boarding school growing up; according to the Hill School's website, in 2021, boarding school tuition totals more than $66,000 a year. The average Rust Belt worker won't make $61,000 a year in their lifetime, so the people whom Trump Jr. wants to connect with likely can't relate to him at all.

In 2000, Trump Jr. graduated from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business with a degree in economics. He once snarked about the infamous 2020 college admissions scandal, but he may be a bit of a hypocrite; his father donated more than $1.4 million to the university when his son began classes there.

Trump Jr. has also admitted that he had a reputation for drinking and partying, and a former classmate said, "Every memory I have of him is of him stumbling around on campus falling over or passing out in public". Meanwhile, another classmate said that women were "warned to stay away" from Trump at frat parties.