The reality show “Chrisley Knows Best” revolves around the lives of Todd Chrisley and his wealthy (and quirky) Southern family. What many viewers don’t know is that Papa Chrisley once lost nearly all of his money, and he and his wife Julie even have an arrest record.
Todd Chrisley once had a successful real estate business, but in 2012, he filed for bankruptcy, claiming he had $4.2 million in assets and almost $50 million in debt. The Chrisley family continued to live their lavish lifestyle, while still claiming they had no money in bankruptcy court.
Some of the charges against the Chrisleys have been dropped, but not all, and Todd now has a net worth of negative(!) $5 million. It seems that Chrisley doesn’t always know best, and Todd's real life has even more drama than his hit TV show, which saved his sinking ship.