Born Martha Helen Kostyra, the 19-year-old Martha married Yale Law School student Andrew Stewart in 1961. However, the pair decided to separate in 1987.
As Stewart has shared in several interviews, she called things off with Hopkins quite abruptly because she could not separate Hopkins from Hannibal Lecter.
In 2010, Stewart's former BFF Mariana Pasternak published a book, "The Best of Friends: Martha and Me," which disclosed many secrets that didn't show Stewart in the best light.
Among other things, the book alleged she pursued a married multi-millionaire. Pasternak also testified against Stewart in her famous obstruction of justice case.
Three years after divorcing her first husband, Stewart began stepping out with Charles Simonyi — a Hungarian-American tech developer — until he called things off in 2008.
Stewart's heartbreak was compounded when Simonyi walked down the aisle with Lisa Persdotter, a woman more than three decades younger than Stewart, in the same year.
"Mother was 100 percent independent until the day she died at 93. She taught me about living well. I miss her," said Stewart, in a heartfelt tribute on her blog.