Why Kim Is Actually Smarter Than You Think

Whether it be on her long-running E! reality show Keeping Up With The Kardashians, or tweeting from a personal social media account, Kim charges the big bucks to endorse your product. The 34-year-old entrepreneur knows that fame may not last forever, and she is certainly taking advantage of her stardom and current "it girl" status to rake in the dough while she can.

Fragrance Deals

Kim K knows how and where to endorse herself whenever possible. Fragrance deals have been very popular with celebrities since Elizabeth Taylor's Diamonds (remember that? You know you saw the bottle in your grandmother's bathroom at least once). Kim paired with Sephora to release her own fragrance, not surprisingly called Kim Kardashian, which became the store's best-selling perfume the year it was released. Yet another win for kim!

"Kim Kardashian is so dumb" – said every person ever. Not so fast, society! Kimmy K may seem like she's not playing with a full deck of cards (or any cards at all), but no one can deny she's still winning the money game in a big way. The fact that she is able to generate truckloads of cash with nothing but her name is actually pretty impressive when you think about it, and definitely proves she is doing something right. Here are seven money-making examples that suggest we maybe shouldn't be too quick to judge Kim Kardashian's brain power.

Her Wedding To Kris Humphries

All in all, Kim Kardashian's wedding to Kris Humphries, which lead to a marriage that lasted a whopping 72 days, should have cost the couple $20 million, but it didn't. Every last detail in the wedding could have put the average person into financial ruin: the $60,000 Vera Wang wedding dresses, $50,000 bachelorette party, $10,000 wedding invitations from Lahr and Black wedding, and $400,000 Perrier Jouet champagne were just minor expenses compared to the cost of the venue. What most people don't know is that the above expenses were all either free or severely discounted for the couple. In exchange for media exposure and by leveraging fame and celebrity, Kim Kardashian was able to procure most things gratis that the majority of people have to pay for. Enter the entrepreneurial genius of the socialite: She was paid $15 million for a four-hour, two-part E! wedding special, and People magazine forked over $2.5 million for exclusive coverage of the wedding. Who makes more money than many will ever dream of in their lifetime "hosting" a sham wedding? Kim Kardashian does!

Her Marriage To Kanye West

The real celebrity union in the Kardashian family of course is the marriage of Kim and Kanye West. As one of the most famous musical artists in the world, Kim's hubby is valued at no less than $130 million. With the birth of their daughter North West, Kim will always be entitled to spousal support in the event of a divorce. As the saying goes, you can love a rich man just as much as you can love a poor one, and Kim knows it.

She Helped Turn Mundane Phrases Into Big Money

The Kardashians are paid to be on TV. Not to act or use a skill set, but to literally be themselves. Sayings like "I'm so addicted to eating" and "this is redic" and "I'm doing it with class 'cause I got a big ass," are just some of the many phrases that people tune in to watch the Kardashians say, and in return they get paid $10 million in total per season. That's right, Kim makes bank saying things like "Orange you glad you got a spray tan," and you don't.

Personal Appearances

Who charges up to $1 million for a personal appearance? You guessed it, Kim Kardashian does. What we are all wondering is – who pays that kind of money for Kim just to show up to an event? For a Las Vegas New Year's Eve party appearance, Kim was paid $153,000. An appearance at the Life Star Night Club on the Ivory Coast netted her a cool $200,000, and the Top Shop store opening in West Hollywood earned her $50,000. She once attended a party in Nigeria for 45 minutes, spoke for under 1 minute, and walked away with $500,000. An hour of Kim's time, essentially, can support a middle class family of four for several years!

A Spokeswoman And Video Game Personality

Kim Kardashian may make up to $85 million for her video game, Kim Kardashian: Hollywood. The mobile game, which has Kardashian coaching players through the rigors of being an aspiring celebrity (picking out outfits and avoiding mean tweets), is a huge hit for developer Glu Mobile. Glu was able to make almost $200 million on the app alone, and on very minimal expenses. The fine print of this contract was that Kim would rake in 45% of the profits of the game, which is where we got that cool $85 mil number from. That type of cash would make Kim the highest-paid video game voice actress of all time. Additionally, both Kris and Kim are spokeswomen for the Sketchers Shape Ups campaign, and Kim was recently featured in a too-hot-for-TV Superbowl ad for T-Mobile which gained over 12 million views in less than a week. These spokeswomen deals are more prime examples of how Kim and family smartly leverage themselves to generate fat stacks of cash.