Kellyanne Conway Responds To Trump's Name For Her Husband

Counselor to President Donald Trump, Kellyanne Conway publicly commented on the 45th president's nickname for her husband, George T. Conway III.

Speaking with Fox News Sunday on Nov. 11, 2018, Kellyanne reacted to Trump referring to her longtime spouse as "Mr. Kellyanne Conway." Kellyanne called Trump's seemingly dismissive name for her husband "instructive," as "people describe my husband as Kellyanne Conway's husband more often than they describe him by his first name."

She continued, "So I'm sure the feminists are really cheering me on today, an independent strong — strong-willed, strong woman in a very powerful position that disagrees with her husband."

Trump called George T. Conway III "Mr. Kellyanne Conway" after George, who is a lawyer, released an op-ed in the New York Times criticizing the president. He and the article's co-writer Neal K. Katyal, who is also a lawyer, called Trump's appointment of Matthew Whitaker as the acting attorney general after Jeff Sessions resigned on Wednesday, Nov. 7 "unconstitutional." Of the move, George and Katyal said, in part, "It's illegal. And it means that anything Mr. Whitaker does, or tries to do, in that position is invalid."

They continued, "For the president to install Mr. Whitaker as our chief law enforcement officer is to betray the entire structure of our charter document."

Trump was later asked about the op-ed, which was released on Thursday, Nov. 8 during a White House press conference on Friday, Nov. 9. "Is Kellyanne's husband's wrong?" one reporter asked.

"Who?" Trump responded, before adding, "You mean Mr. Kellyanne Conway?"

Trump then said, "He's just trying to get publicity for himself." He added, "Why don't you do this: Why don't you ask Kellyanne that question, all right? She might know him better than me. I really don't know the guy."

Regarding how her husband voicing his opinion could cause problems for her as a White House employee, Kellyanne told Fox News Today, "Well it doesn't affect me or my job. ... I've never been doing better, personally or professionally" (via The Hill).

In addition to speaking with Fox News Sunday, Kellyanne Conway also discussed her husband's statements and Trump's response to them on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos. When asked if she agreed with George's opinion about Trump's appointment of Whitaker, Kellyanne responded, "No, I don't. But it's also not relevant" (via CNN).

She went on, "People disagree on the Constitution," noting, "That's why we have a US Circuit Court system and, indeed, a United States Supreme Court. They are there to interpret the law, and they disagree about the Constitution regularly."

Furthermore, Kellyanne told Stephanopoulos, "Reasonable people disagree about the Constitution every single day, and I choose, because I'm in a position to do so, to give my advice and opinion to the President privately." She also called people's questions about her personal life with her husband "inappropriate."

Commenting on Trump telling reporters to ask her about her husband's opinion, Kellyanne shared that he did so out of respect for her. She said that Trump's "never worried about how it affects him" but "always worried about how it affects [her]."

She continued, "And I really appreciate that from my boss, from the President. He is really great to the women who work for him."

Regarding Trump's appointment of Whitaker specifically, Kellyanne told Fox News Sunday that "the president and his attorneys are convinced that there are at least three or four ways this appointment does pass muster, is constitutional," as reported by The Hill. She shared, "Under the Constitution, first of all, through the Vacancies Act. ... Also there's a statute passed in 1998 and there's a 2003 Department of Justice opinion about this."

As reported by The Washington Post, George was once a major supporter of Trump, but his opinion of Trump has soured over the years. And, as could be expected, their marriage has seemingly taken a hit since Trump took office and Kellyanne has continued to work for him. "I feel there's a part of [George] that thinks I chose Donald Trump over him," Kellyanne admitted to the paper. "Which is ridiculous. One is my work and one is my marriage."

Still, we understand how Kellyanne's professional involvement with the ever-controversial president could cause a rift between her and her husband. When it comes to Trump, people appear to be very passionate — whether they're for or against him — and that can't be too healthy for a marriage.