The Stunning Transformation Of Below Deck Med Star Jack Luby

Jack Luby, the newest chef on "Below Deck Mediterranean" Season 8, has dedicated himself to a tremendous fitness journey since wrapping production. Luby is no stranger to yachting, with three years of whipping up gourmet meals on the high seas. However, filming a reality show for the first time was not without its stresses. "I think that everyone needed therapy after this season. I'm a happy-go-lucky person and wanted to stay above the drama, but sometimes it is unavoidable. That bad vibe is unavoidable and you can't just tell a person to get out," the chef told FoodSided.

Naturally, the crew uses their nights off to let loose and knock back a few drinks while tasting the local cuisine. While it's easy to fall into an unhealthy cycle, Luby left "Below Deck Med" unhappy with his appearance and used his time off to get a glow-up. With the new season having premiered on September 25, 2023, it's pretty impressive just how much the chef has managed to transform his physique in such a short time.

Jack Luby showed off his toned body

Jack Luby was far from unfit during the filming of Season 8 of "Below Deck Mediterranean," but he surprised fans — as well as his fellow yachties — with an amazing body transformation. Posing in a gym shirtless, he shared on Instagram, "Loved to compete for [the] first time today, thanks to @sander.e__ for teaming with me and pushing me to limit, you absolutely smashed it mate!" His castmate Natalya Scudder replied, "YEAH JACKY BOOOOY." Stew Kyle Viljoen chimed in with, "Looking amazing."

In another post, Luby showed off his skills by doing dips, pullups, and lifting weights. "Little Sunday pump day, so good to be back in the gym and feeling strong again," he captioned. On October 4, 2023, Luby shared a health update. "So happy to be able to finally deadlift again. Years of bad form resulted in chronic lower back pain. Spent the last 6 months in a lot physio therapy and actually started stretching daily (trust it's not overrated), now feeling like a new total new human," he revealed. Working as a chef allowed him to take some time to focus on his health and Luby's life is now completely different from his "Below Deck Med" days.

Jack Luby is dedicated to his fitness journey

It's not always easy watching yourself on television, but Jack Luby used it as motivation to get fit. "I feel like a new human mentally, physically, and self-confidence-wise after going out of my comfort zone and accomplishing all these goals and doing all these competitions and coming out the other side," he told The Messenger. "Sometimes, I look at myself on the show, and I can't even relate to that person anymore. It's really weird," the chef added. Luby revealed that after filming "Below Deck Med," he took a year to work out and eat a healthier diet. He has also refrained from drinking alcohol, save for some celebratory events here and there.

"I've changed a lot since the show. Like I look at myself, like ugh," Luby shared on the podcast "Sea Rat Interview." He continued, "It's just so hard to stay fit and healthy on a charter yacht as a chef. It's so hard." These days, Luby is living his best life in Bali, Indonesia. In February, he posted a picture of himself splashing underneath a waterfall and told fans, "Quit my job, moved to Bali."