Kimmy Schmidt Star Tituss Burgess Posts Epic Yelp Review

Memo to all moving companies in America: never mess with Tituss Burgess. One New York City-area business learned that the hard way on July 13, 2016 when its allegedly bad service led the Emmy-nominated actor to post a scathing review of their services on Yelp.

"My name is Tituss Burgess. I'm an Emmy-nominated actor for Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt currently streaming on Netflix," he wrote. "Thats besides the point. But watch it." Then, the claws come out. "These guys are the absolute most UNPROFESSIONAL workers I have EVER DEALT WITH," he wrote of the company, called Franks Express. "I called this man this morning. We chatted. He said he could move my couch at 1 pm which was the time I requested. 1:30 still no movers. I called back and he says I will give you a discount ... I said ok. He says but you have to post a review on Yelp. I said when you complete the job I will complete the review."

Burgess said the back-and-forth exchange went on for 45 minutes. Eventually, he had enough. "I called him about 9 times but he wouldn't pick up but he somehow was capable of texting. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY," the 37-year-old actor wrote. "I'm going to post this to Twitter to my Instagram to my Facebook. You messed with the wrong Queen."

Burgess did indeed take his anger to his social media accounts, where he posted video rants on his Facebook and Instagram feeds. He also claimed on Twitter that the man on the phone used a gay slur during the incident. "Poor thing doesn't know hell hath no fury like a Tituss scorned." He tweeted. Apparently not!

Since Burgess' review was posted, the Yelp page for Franks Express has been inundated with a seemingly endless number of one-star reviews. It's being "monitored by Yelp's Support team for content related to media reports," the site reads.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Tituss' review also prompted a response from a supposed employee of the company. "Please contact with our owner Frank! It is fatal mistake," the reply read (via US Weekly). "And we would like to clarify that. We believe that you had bad experiences with other Company. As you can see our reviews on the Yelp you can find us as professional...So if you call us we would give you truck and the best crew in that time. It would be the best chance to help the famous person."

Game, set, match: Burgess.

A video posted by Tituss Burgess (@titusssawthis) on