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The Untold Truth Of Steve Harvey's Dating Website

Steve Harvey is a man of many talents: he's a comedian, talk show host, game show host, author, and businessman. And in 2009, he added dating guru to his resume too. Yep, you read that correctly. In 2009, he wrote a book titled, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment, introducing himself as an expert in the dating and romance scene.

Harvey's advice books have been successful, and he says that's because he's learned a lot from his own personal life. "The majority of [my wisdom] came from failure, to be honest with you," he told Forbes. "I've come to learn in my life that failure's a wonderful teacher. I've scooped a lot of the dog poop off the sidewalk so you wouldn't have to step in it."

He added to Oprah in 2013 that his failed marriages were his best mistakes. "My two failed marriages—the ones before Marjorie [his current wife]. They were challenging, but each taught me how to become a better husband, which inevitably taught me how to be a better man when I walk out the door every day."

Five years later, Harvey made an even bigger leap into the romance world when he launched a dating website called Delightful. Forbes reported that the comedian partnered with IAC, the company that owns Match.com, OkCupid, Tinder, and other dating services to launch his site. The dating site is definitely unique — let's take a look.

Steve Harvey's online dating site got mixed reviews

In 2014, Steve Harvey launched Delightful, an online dating website in partnership with the owners of Match.com. Delightful's slogan, "Find love and keep it" (via Forbes), is how the site branded itself. It put love front and center.

"As I heard him talk about relationships, he had a real passion around love and how to develop love after the first date," Match CEO Sam Yagan told Forbes. And he turned that passion into a new site.

But how good was the site? And what made it different from other dating sites? First and foremost, Delightful contains lots of advice and insight from the one and only Harvey. The service also helps women expand their parameters when searching for a date and helps remind men about chivalry — both things Harvey thinks are incredibly important.

"It's sad to say, but the divorce rate in this country is so high, there are a lot of young men out there, quality men, who've never been told, 'Hey man, this is the proper way to treat a lady,'" he told Forbes.

The jury is still out on the site, but it's gotten some mixed feedback. One user wrote about it for Jezebel and admitted, "I'm all for self-improvement, but I couldn't take much more of Steve Harvey's constant reminders about what could be wrong about my dating habits and why I need to change."

You can always try Delightful for yourself if Tinder doesn't work out.