Stars With The Craziest Cleaning Obsessions

If you thought fame and fortune was enough to guarantee celebs never go near a broom, you'd be very wrong. Some stars aren't content to wait around for the maid to tidy up their multi-million dollar homes. Whether it's personal hygiene or a preoccupation with their vacuums, the famous faces on this list go above and beyond in the name of cleanliness.

Taylor Swift

When Taylor Swift isn't singing her heart out about relationships gone wrong, the country/pop singer is apparently set on keeping her living space as immaculate as possible. She once admitted during an interview on Celebrity Close Up (via People) that she's "sort of a neat freak," saying having the bed made is a must at her house. "It's kind of interesting because that kind of defies the whole musician thing," said Swift. "I think we're supposed to be messy... but I need everything to be neat and put away and organized."

Could her never-ending need to be neat be what's impacting her romantic relationships? Probably not, since one of her former beaus finds himself on this list, too.

Harry Styles

Long before he was a possible song reference by Taylor Swift, Harry Styles allegedly drove his One Direction band-mates crazy with his cleanliness. Gossip sites Perez Hilton and Daily Star quote an anonymous source close to the group, who claimed that Styles is a big fan of neatness and was "fixated with keeping the tour bus clean." Said the source, "[Styles] watches to make sure no-one drops food anywhere and asked people to leave their shoes at the door and wear slippers." The person also shared that Styles went out and "bought a ton of cleaning products" to make sure the tour bus was up to his standards.

The anonymous source also admitted that Harry Styles earned the nickname "Mrs Mop" thanks to his constant cleaning.

David Beckham

David Beckham always looks neat and well put together in photos. But behind the world soccer star's sleek facade is a troubling secret. According to the UK's Independent, Beckham has struggled for years with obsessive compulsive disorder. He confessed that his OCD often caused him to tirelessly rearrange hotel rooms, even lining up soda cans to make everything "perfect." He's been called out before for his preference to wear neat white clothes to match his spotless white furniture, and for lining up his shirts according to color.

"I'll go into a hotel room and before I can relax, I have to move all the leaflets and all the books and put them in a drawer. Everything has to be perfect," he said. Even though he's sought help for the problem, Beckham admitted that the disorder continues to affect his life, adding, "I would like to. I've tried and can't stop."

Scarlett Johansson

Hotel maids the world over must love Scarlett Johansson. Not because she's a famous and beautiful movie star, but because her dedication to neatness makes their jobs so much easier. She was quoted in 2005 by the New York Times as saying, "When I stay in a hotel, I clean the room before the maid comes — you will never find laundry on my floor."

At the time she also shared that she sends all her gowns to storage and had "very few clothes" at home because she "can't stand clutter." It's possible that Johansson has expanded her wardrobe just a tad in the decade since the interview, but her reputation for cleanliness stays with her.

Cameron Diaz

Door knobs were a serious problem for actress Cameron Diaz. The starlet had such a strong fear of germs, she'd forego touching them altogether — opting to open doors with her elbows instead! As for cleaning, Diaz apparently took things to the extreme. She was said to scrub her door knobs so hard that it caused the paint to fade. Despite her preoccupation with germs being well-documented, it's possible she's calmed down a bit in the last few years.

When questioned about her extreme cleaning habits in 2007, Diaz said that she "made her peace with" her germaphobia, which could mean her obsessive cleaning behavior is a thing of the past.

Howie Mandel

If you want to know how serious Howie Mandel is about cleanliness, look no further than his now-trademark bald head. Mandel's struggles with mysophobia (germaphobia) and OCD are well-known. According to ABC News, he's so worried about germs that he almost never shakes hands, preferring instead to give a "fist bump." When it comes to all things clean, Mandel's obsession manifested most strongly in his choice of hair style: shaved.

According to Mandel, he's bald by choice because shaving his head made him feel "cleaner." While some might view the move to part ways with his hair as a bit extreme, its worth noting that one of the biggest icons in the cleaning product industry just happens to be a bald mascot by the name of "Mr. Clean."


Madonna is probably the last person you'd peg for being obsessed with cleanliness thanks to a decades-spanning career of pushing the envelope in a lot of down and dirty ways. However, Madonna tends to go above and beyond in the name of tidiness. For instance, UK tabloid the Mirror alleged that Madge went as far as to hire "a sterilization team" to clean her room as to leave no trace of her hair, skin, saliva in dressing rooms during her 2012 MDNA tour.

This bizarre demand might be supposedly tied to a concern that obsessed fans might get into the area after she leaves and try to sell traces a few hairs and skin samples on the internet. Whatever the case, some might prefer to take this with a grain of salt.

We can verify that Madonna is no stranger to the vacuum. She memorably took the time to post an Instagram pic of herself posing with her Miele S4 vacuum in the bathroom right before heading off the Met Gala. The image went viral, causing Miele S4 vacuums to sell out immediately. The brand even reached out to her about becoming a potential ambassador.

Matt Lauer

Matt Lauer is reportedly unapologetic about his fear of germs. Because he's often forced to shake hands with a number of people, New York magazine writes that the former Today Show host walks around with "a bottle of Purell in his pocket." His office is also described as "a museum" thanks to his "meticulous" cleaning habit.

But perhaps one of the most memorable examples of his fear of dirt and germs comes by way of an interview with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight ShowIn the interview, Lauer claims that he coped with a lack of indoor plumbing during a fishing trip to New Zealand by refusing to use the available outhouses. "You'd be amazed how long you can hold it if your only option is to go into an outhouse," he says.

Charlize Theron

Actress Charlize Theron admits that her particular OCD has her obsessed with closets and cubboards. As she explains it, "I just don't like it when chaos is hidden. I have a problem with cabinets being messy and people just shoving things in cabinets and closing the door." In other words, Theron is not here for your junk drawers. She is apparently so concerned about hidden clutter that she "will literally lie in bed and not be able to sleep," according to Daily Mail.

Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin is yet another star who's OCD takes on an extreme form. The actor needs everything within his home to be absolutely perfect. If even one tiny thing is off, it will send him up the wall. "I come home and I'm like, 'Did somebody move that book?' I just notice everything." Baldwin admitted the problem, which mainly manifested as a need to constantly clean, interferes with his life. "I'll have to catch a plane, like I'm in a hurry to go somewhere, and I'm in my kitchen rinsing out the glasses. I have a housekeeper that can do that and I'm sitting there cleaning the glass."

Kim Kardashian

Although not officially diagnosed, reality TV queen Kim Kardashian revealed in a Sunday Times Magazine article (via Glamour) that she might be "totally OCD." Said Kardashian, "I can't take a shower unless the bathroom is absolutely spotless... I have a cleaner who comes three times a week but I always do the cleaning on top of that."

Kim K.'s also finicky about food, requiring her meals be delivered in individualized freezer bags which she then meticulously stores in her super-organized refrigerator.

Paul Hollywood

Great British Bake-Off judge Paul Hollywood is someone whose cleaning compulsion doesn't necessarily involve his house, but instead, his car. He is devoted to the vehicle, an Aston Martin, and is constantly checking "for little nicks," he said in a radio interview (via Huffington Post). When not examining it from top to bottom for marks, Hollywood claims that he's prone to clean it repeatedly — as frequently as every couple of hours!

So you can imagine the celebrity baker's absolute horror when Bake-Off host Mary Berry accidently autographed the luxury car using a permanent marker. No word on how that was removed, but I'm pretty sure it was — quickly.

Katy Perry

Singer Katy Perry shared during a radio interview (via E! Online) that she uses her "eye of the tiger" to make sure things are in perfectly alphabetical order. Additionally, Star Pulse quotes a Q Magazine interview where Perry shared her OCD woes are at their worst when she's on tour. "If there's broken make-up in my purse I freak out. Also if I am around household pets and some of their fur comes off on my cardigan, then I can get pretty sharp."

Her biggest pet peeve? Fingerprints on sunglasses. "Truly, I cannot stand it. I go ape. 'Oh my God, I can't breathe! Wipe them clean! Agghhh!"