Criss Angel Discusses Failed Straightjacket Stunt

Magic is dangerous, everyone. Just ask Criss Angel.

The master illusionist had a huge scare during his March 10, 2017 show in Las Vegas, Nev. During an aerial stunt, in which he hung upside-down and donned a straightjacket, Angel lost consciousness and had to be helped down–forcing the show into a sudden intermission. Angel was then rushed to a nearby hospital.

On March 13, 2017, Angel opened up to ABC News regarding the incident. "Once I started going up, I was told that I began my escape, and that's all I remembered until I woke up and I was literally surrounded by paramedics and people putting things in my arms," Angel said.

"I felt like [my unconsciousness] was really attributed to not eating properly," the magician explained. "I've only been sleeping about two hours a night the past few days and I don't think I was hydrated."

But if you think Angel's near-death experience was enough to get him to quit the stage, you don't Angel at all.

Angel signed himself out of the hospital against doctors' recommendations, dismissing advice to get an MRI and stay for observation. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and for me it's always about pushing my envelope," Angel said.

The Mindfreak Live! star certainly confirmed his belief by performing the straightjacket stunt at his next show–less than 24 hours after his trip to the hospital. Luckily, this time, Angel was able to successfully free himself of the straightjacket.