Sean Spicer Reportedly Turns Down Dancing With The Stars

If you had your heart set on seeing Sean Spicer stumble his way through a rumba on live television, sorry about your luck. 

TMZ reports that a source close to the former White House press secretary says that he was "flattered by the opportunity" but will not be slipping on his samba shoes anytime soon. 

The source also tells the gossip rag that on top of the fact that Spicey apparently has two left feet, he wouldn't be able to commit the show's infamously grueling schedule come the fall, because "he believes he'll have an overwhelming number of commitments" at that time. 

Page Six backs up this claim from additional sources who say that Spicer just retained the services of Bob Barnett, a high-powered lawyer "who represents a host of top politicians and TV news personalities." 

Spicer is said to have signed with Barnett as well as Michael O'Connor of Williams & Connolly after taking a round of meetings with news networks like NBC, CBS, and Fox News. 
Barnett and Connolly will supposedly represent Spicer "for all post White House TV deals, business consultancies, and speaking appearances," as well as a possible book deal, according to sources. 

So while Spicer will no longer be freestyling his way around the questions of the White House press corps, it looks like he's still got a lot say. 

Not up to speed on the backstory behind Spicer's brief tenure in President Trump's fledgling administration? Get caught up right here with the untold truth of Sean Spicer.