Celeb Reactions To TIME Magazine 'Person Of The Year'

After sexual assault and rape allegations against Harvey Weinstein sent shock waves through the entertainment industry, countless women worldwide who had suffered in silence started sharing their experiences with sexual assault and harassment. The #MeToo movement emerged, and we watched as the reputations of powerful men crumbled under a tidal wave of allegations. The societal shift these women catalyzed earned them the collective title of TIME magazine's "Person of the Year" in 2017. 

The magazine cover features six women: actress Ashley Judd (pictured above), singer-songwriter Taylor Swift, former Uber engineer Susan Fowler, lobbyist Adama Iwu, Mexican immigrant and strawberry picker Isabel Pascual (whose name was changed to protect her identity,) and a woman whose face is obscured–representing victims who don't feel comfortable sharing their identities. 

"For giving voice to open secrets, for moving whisper networks onto social networks, for pushing all of us to stop accepting the unacceptable, the Silence Breakers are the 2017 Person of the Year," Editor in Chief Edward Felsenthal tweeted as he debuted the magazine cover.

Let's take a look at some celebrity reactions to this watershed moment.

Kerry Washington

"Wow. This cover is very inspiring," tweeted Emmy-award winner and activist Kerry Washington. "I'm so especially moved by the presence of the faceless woman who speaks in anonymity," said the Scandal star. "So brave. THANK YOU @TIME."

Alyssa Milano

Actress Alyssa Milano, who resurrected the #MeToo hashtag when the Weinstein scandal broke, gave a special shout out to the hashtag's creator, activist Tarana Burke, and shared a thoughtful message to all women. 

"I'm honored to be a part of the Time Person Year issue with @TaranaBurke," the Charmed star tweeted. "This is for every woman who came forward. This is for every woman who was brave enough to say . I hear you. I stand with you. I see you. I am you. #BreakTheSilence."

Rose McGowan

Although many believe outspoken actress Rose McGowan deserved to be on the cover of TIME, she responded by focusing the spotlight on the writer whose piece in The New Yorker helped topple a Hollywood empire: "Ronan Farrow. Investigator of the Year. Writer of the Year. #MyTime," the Scream star tweeted.

"I am my person of the year," McGowan posted. "Are you yours? #BRAVE."

Ana Navarro

CNN political analyst Ana Navarro, who has been a prominent voice against Donald Trump, couldn't pass up a chance to take a swing at the president, who had previously claimed he was "probably" going to be named "Person of the Year" again but "passed." (TIME said Trump was "incorrect.")

Navarro tweeted, "@realDonaldTrump, u are not #TimePersonOfTheYear. The movement is. But if it's any consolation, you can take some credit for inspiring it. Many women got mad as hell to see what you'd gotten away with, and decided to stick together and speak up!"

Gillian Flynn

Gillian Flynn, the best-selling author of thrillers Gone Girl and Dark Places, filled us in on her next project. "Proud to be a part of TIME magazine's Person of the Year: the Silence Breakers," she tweeted. "Want to know the tone of my essay? It's called The Howl."

Jason Isaacs

Even though he played a villain in the Harry Potter franchise, actor Jason Isaacs wants you to use TIME magazine to teach your children a better way. "Show it to your daughters. Show it to your sons," the Star Trek: Discovery star tweeted. "Show it to the soon-to-be-ex-President. #Loser."

Martina Navratilova

Considered one of greatest tennis players of all time, Martina Navratilova isn't one to shy away from anything. She used the magazine to serve up a harsh assessment of the president. "In this sad way of TIME's choice of #PersonOfTheYear, Trump has made a positive contribution to mankind," the tennis legend tweeted. "Most likely the ONLY one he will ever have made..."

Demi Lovato

Pop star Demi Lovato is known for stirring things up on Twitter. Her reaction to TIME's "Person of the Year" was no different. 

"I've become less vocal about my distain [sic] for certain people over the past year because it only divides our country even more but this is worth speaking up about," she tweeted, referencing her past beefs. "@TIME mag–very disappointed in your hypocrisy and disrespect toward the women on your cover."

She continued, "Time mag highlights brave women coming forward against sexual assault on the cover but names a man with sexual assault allegations against him runner up to person of the year.. Really @TIME? #hypocrites." Lovato was referring to Trump securing the No. 2 spot on Time's list.

The "Sorry Not Sorry" singer concluded: "To be named POTY by @TIME it should be for doing something positive or brave LIKE the women on the cover. It's annoying that it's just about impact on the news." 

Tell us how you really feel, Demi. 

Ellen DeGeneres

Talk show host Ellen DeGeneres has made a career of lending her voice to help marginalized groups, and this issue was no different. 

"If you're feeling like you're too scared to speak up because the world doesn't want to hear what you have to say, let this be proof that your voice matters," she tweeted