The Strange Rule Madonna Made Her Daughter Lourdes Leon Follow

It's not all Disney days and luxury vacays for celeb kids. There are perks, like money, glitz, freebies, and nepotism. But there are also downsides, like growing up in your parent's shadow and being mortified by their behavior, just like non-celeb kids are, but knowing the whole world is watching, talking, or reading about your parent's shenanigans.

There are strange rules some celeb parents make their kids follow, like locking them in their bedroom at night. Kristin Bell admitted to Parents magazine it was a "controversial trick" she used to get her 3-year-old to doze off. Or there's controlling their eye movements. According to emails that Sarah Jessica Parker allegedly wrote to staff (via Page Six), she has strict rules regarding "how hard [her] children should blink."

Then, there are Madonna's many children. Madonna's first kid is Lourdes Leon, whom she shares with Carlos Leon. Then Rocco Ritchie and David Banda with Guy Ritchie. Followed by Chifundo "Mercy" James and twins Stella and Estere Ciccone, per People. "The more kids you have, the more responsibilities you have, the more you have to really be ... aware of time, time management and juggling lots of balls in the air," the Material Mom explained to Today while talking about what a "normal" mother she is. Well, proving that one person's normal is another's unusual, there's the strange rule Madonna made her daughter Lourdes Leon follow.

Madonna made her daughter Lourdes Leon wear the same clothes every day

Madonna's outrageous public persona might make you think she'd be a lax parent. Well, think again. She definitely a different kind of mom, but she's an authoritarian one. Lourdes Leon told Interview that Madonna's super strict: doesn't give money to her kids, totally bans TV, and locks all of her closets. "The list of things I wasn't allowed to do is never-ending," Lourdes said about her childhood.

One of the things that Madonna forbade her daughter from doing was changing her clothes daily. In a 2005 interview with Newsweek (via USA Today), Madonna shared that she took away the clothes her kids left dropped on the floor, and they had to work to retrieve them, especially Lourdes. "She has to earn all of her clothes back by being tidy, picking up things in her room, and making her bed in the morning. She wears the same outfit every day to school until she learns her lesson," Madonna explained. It worked a treat for Steve Jobs and Simon Cowell — and they'd both left school years before.

Lourdes is the spitting image of Madonna. She works as a model and loves dancing but insists that's as far as she's willing to go when following in her mom's footsteps. "Honestly, actors really annoy me, and I can't be around them," she told Interview. "As for music, I can sing. I just don't care about it. Maybe it's too close to home."

Madonna's kids think their material mom is pretty basic

Lourdes Leon has a close relationship with Madonna, despite fleeing home asap. "My mom is such a control freak, and she has controlled me my whole life," Lourdes told Interview. "I needed to be completely independent of her as soon as I graduated high school." However, now she's grown up, Lourdes appreciates what a trailblazer Madonna is. "I didn't fully comprehend that until I realized the importance of empowerment and what it means to be a woman," she admitted. "She's probably the hardest worker I've ever seen. I didn't inherit that, unfortunately. I inherited her control issues but not her work ethic!"

Meanwhile, despite many who would disagree, Madonna's children think the singer is far from hip. "I'm definitely not cool enough for my kids," she admitted on "The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon" (while clad in fishnet biker shorts, studded cut-off gloves, Mr. T-style chains, and diamonds decorating her teeth). "They remind me every day about how uncool I am. Every day, whatever I do, I can't be basic."

"Doing your show's not basic," she reassured Fallon. "That got the thumbs up." They may think she's uncool, but Madonna's kids call her an unexpected nickname that's definitely not basic. Madonna posted an Instagram video of David Banda dancing with Esterre Ciccone in the kitchen. At the end of the clip, he can be heard calling her "M-Dogg."