Strange Things About Nancy Grace's Marriage

It's an understatement to say television journalist and former HLN star Nancy Grace is no stranger to generating headlines. Possessing a knack for sensationalism, to put it mildly, Grace often draws fire for comments she makes about America's most compelling missing persons and murder cases. Case in point: Grace became a household name when she coined Casey Anthony — the Orlando mother who notoriously failed to report her 2-year-old daughter Caylee Anthony missing for 31 days in the summer of 2008 — as "tot mom." Grace, like her or not, knows how to generate buzz like no other. 

Of course, there's more to Grace than her dramatic rhetoric and flair for controversy, like a seemingly normal home life; Grace married investment banker David Linch in April 2007, and the couple welcomed twins — Lucy and John David Linch — seven months later in November 2007. 

As one might expect, people have a lot of questions about Grace's home life, especially where it concerns Linch, considering how relatively tight-lipped Grace is about her marriage. But as much as Grace might want to keep her personal life under wraps, we've uncovered some odd details about her relationship with Linch. Keep reading to learn all about the strange things about Grace's marriage.

Nancy Grace's murdered fiancé led her to Linch

If you've followed Nancy Grace's story throughout the years, then you probably already know her former fiancé, Keith Griffin, was murdered by a co-worker in 1979. Grace has discussed the devastating incident numerous times and how it shaped her world view. "After Keith died, I had to learn to control my thoughts. It was extremely depressing," Grace explained in an interview with Newsweek. "Even years later, I really had a hard time entertaining the thought of allowing myself to have a family."

Grace's outlook changed, however, when she supposedly received a message from Griffin in the form of a dream. Grace, who was struggling to make her long-distance relationship with Linch work at the time, recalled: "I had a dream about Keith ... He was waiting for me, and I sat down next to him. In the dream, he said he was in heaven, and he wanted me to go on. I got up and looked back at him, and he gestured for me to go. That next morning I called my boyfriend, David, and said, 'You've got to move to New York! We've got to make it or break it.' We got married and I had twins, and that was that."

Although it's a little odd to get dating advice from your deceased partner, we're happy everything worked out for Grace and Linch.

Grace's breakdowns during their courtship

Grace's relationship with Linch before the two got married was anything but smooth. Grace, who was still grieving the loss of her murdered fiancé when she agreed to a blind date with her now husband, openly admitted she struggled to love Linch. Although it's perfectly normal to have doubts about a new love interest, Grace's hesitation bordered on strange because she would "break down and cry" about the situation. "He fell in love, by all accounts, but I couldn't," Grace revealed to The Hollywood Reporter. "I would break down and cry. But I just couldn't engage in a relationship." Yikes.

As for Linch, he hung on for a while until one day when he couldn't take it anymore. "At times it probably was painful. One time I said, 'I don't want to be a placeholder,'" Linch confessed to THR. Talk about a patient guy — we guess Linch was really smitten with Grace.

The good news about this odd start is Grace eventually developed feelings for Linch. "I grew to love him very, very deeply," Grace shared. All's well that ends well, as the saying goes.

The hush-hush wedding

After Grace and Linch finally solidified their relationship after years of dating and uncertainty, they decided to get married. The strange part? The couple decided to keep the wedding under wraps, even when it came to their parents. "I told my family only two days before [the wedding]," Grace confessed to the New York Post

Although some might argue Grace has the right to privacy, it's kind of weird she would wait last minute to tell her parents given their close ties. Grace was especially close to her father, Mac Grace, who died in November 2015. The father and daughter were so close, in fact, that Grace supposedly connected with Mac during an episode of Hollywood Medium (via E! News) starring self-proclaimed "clairvoyant medium" Tyler Henry.

As it turns out, however, Grace's relatives weren't the only ones in the dark — the true crime enthusiast didn't break the news to fans until two months after the wedding. Grace even referred to the nuptials as "secret," telling the the New York Post at the time: "I'm finally not keeping it a secret anymore." Hmm ... we wonder why Grace was so hush-hush about a happy event. 

Their polar opposite personalities

Considering Nancy Grace is an incredibly outspoken and dynamic person, one would think she'd look for similar qualities in a partner. Strangely enough, however, Grace opted for the decidedly mellow Linch. "David is very quiet, but extremely self-confident," Grace explained to the Daily Mail. "He's very unassuming and he goes along with all my crazy ideas." 

Hmm. Grace's description of Linch is interesting because it doesn't necessarily sound like the couple's partnership is on equal footing. It's reasonable to wonder why Linch is so accommodating to Grace, especially if he's supposedly "extremely self-confident." We'd imagine Linch would tire of Grace's demands at some point, right?

On the other hand, maybe this dynamic works because the two balance each other out. Grace, for instance, probably needs someone to ground her while Linch likely benefits from his wife's outgoing personality. In fact, Grace essentially said as much when described what she loves most about Linch. "David's been with me through thick and thin," Grace added. "He's the rock in my life." Makes sense to us.

Nancy Grace and David Linch got married on a whim

Following the death of Nancy Grace's fiancé in 1979, she had serious doubts about her future romantic prospects. "After I lost my fiancé, it seemed like it would be better to always be alone than to risk being hurt again. So I felt being a wife and mother just wasn't going to happen for me," Grace shared with Good Housekeeping. "I thought God had closed that door and given me my career instead ... "

Given that once-pessimistic outlook, it's fair to assume she'd want a big, well-planned wedding to celebrate her reversal of fortune with Linch, right? Oddly enough, however, Grace decided to wed Linch on a total whim with little time to plan a lavish affair. "We've been in touch all these years and a lot of time we were separated by geography and time," Grace explained to the New York Post. "It was a spur-of-the-moment decision to get married ... "

Fans will be probably be surprised to learn the wedding ceremony was incredibly simple. "We got married in April in Atlanta with just my family and his family there," Grace said to the New York Post about the low-key event. "It was a simple ceremony conducted by my longtime pastor from a little Methodist church in Macon." We have a hunch Grace would have made for an epic bridezilla, so it's probably for the best her nuptials were last-minute. 

Where's David Linch?

Most public figures have social media accounts, and Nancy Grace is no exception to this rule. Grace — who has over 22,000 followers as of August 2018 — often shares snaps of herself with her twins, Lucy and John David, and photos related to true crime cases. But the one person who is noticeably absent from Grace's feed is her very own husband, David Linch. If you take a quick scan of Grace's account, you'll find only handful of pictures of Linch, an interesting figure when you consider the television personality has been on Instagram since November 2012. Maybe it's just us, but we think it's a little bizarre to barely feature your significant other on your social media accounts.

Making matters even more curious is the fact that Linch is seemingly left out of special family events, like holidays and other important milestones. Although we suspect Linch was physically present for these important occasions, we have to ask why he rarely appears in photographs commemorating them. Even if Linch is too shy to appear on Grace's Instagram feed, one would think he'd pose for a picture once in a while for the sake of appearances. 

Their marriage is all about Nancy Grace 24/7

It can be difficult to be in a relationship with a celebrity, especially with one as high-profile as Grace. Ever since Grace first started out in television on Court TV, she has maintained a very active career with multiple networks. And when you add Grace's numerous controversies, one has to wonder where Linch fits into her life. Although it would make sense for Grace to go out of her way to make Linch feel valued and included in her famous world, it seems like he's merely a background character. Want proof? Look no further than an interview Linch did called, "David Linch on being married to Nancy Grace." Yep, Linch's existence seems to center around Grace's, a strange phenomenon he possibly might find tiring.

Luckily, Grace doesn't take Linch's devotion for granted. In the rare moments when Grace does discuss Linch, she makes it a point to sing his praises. "I just never dreamed I could love someone so much," she told Good Housekeeping, adding, "And have someone love me back so much." Aww.

The odd excuse about Grace's missing wedding ring

Fans can be extremely observant when it comes to their beloved celebrities, a fact Grace probably realized when one of her supporters wrote in to Parade magazine to ask about her missing wedding ring. Apparently, Grace was spotted without the piece of jewelry following her stint on Dancing with the Stars in 2011. "Nancy Grace hasn't been wearing her beautiful wedding ring. Is she still married?" an anonymous person asked the publication.

So, why did Grace ditch her ring? The answer boils down to the HLN alum's impressive weight loss of 25 pounds during her run on DWTS. "Nancy's marriage to David is just fine," a source told The Enquirer in January 2012. "But she dropped a ton of weight on 'Dancing,' and her ring didn't fit any­more. In fact, she nearly lost it three times! She's having it resized." Although some might question the truth of this information, Grace did confirm to Parade magazine that she was "proud" of her ring but that she didn't want to risk losing it post-weight loss. 

Of course, Grace can do whatever she wants with her wedding band. The question we have, however, is why Grace didn't have the ring resized ASAP? It's not like Grace couldn't afford a rush order, after all.  

Linch's strange response to Grace's weight loss

Many celebrities have dropped pounds on DWTS, including Nancy Grace. The outspoken TV host, who shed a whopping 25 pounds throughout the course of the show, told CNN journalist Anderson Cooper about the transformation (via the Daily Mail): "I never really cared about it or bothered to lose it. I lost it like this, so I'm happy about it." 

Although Grace was pleasantly surprised about the weight loss, Linch wasn't as thrilled. "The truth is he thought I looked great the other way," Grace told Cooper about Linch's opinion. "My advice is if your guy doesn't like you how you are, you need to find a new guy."

Of course, it's wonderful Linch loved and appreciated Grace's body before the change. We just find it sort of odd he wasn't as complimentary about her slimmer look, too, especially since Grace advised fans to find a partner who likes them for who they are. Hopefully, Linch has grown to love Grace's new figure as much as he adored her old one. 

Nancy Grace's off-color joke about her marriage

Nancy Grace has always been open about the fact that her fiancé's murder inspired her career as a prosecutor and her advocacy for crime victims. So, one has to wonder why Grace thought it was OK to make a joke about murdering Linch during an interview titled, "Watch Nancy Grace and Her Husband David Linch Interview Each Other." The conversation took a weird turn when Linch asked Grace the seemingly innocent question of, "Where do you think we'll find you next year?"

"Hopefully right here. I hope we'll still be married with the children right here in the house," Grace joked before adding in a more serious tone, "OK because you know what a lot of people do when their husbands try to leave? They murder them." Um, say what now? Linch, who was clearly taken aback by Grace's off-color humor, responded amid laughter: "Really? Ok." Grace then told Linch to "think about it," whatever that means. 

Although there's no doubt Grace wasn't serious about her mock threat, it's still unsettling she found it appropriate to make the joke in the first place. How strange.

Was Nancy Grace 'happy' before her twins arrived?

Parenthood can bring a lot of happiness to a person's life, a sentiment that isn't lost on Nancy Grace. The crime aficionado adores her twins, Lucy and John David, to say the least, and often posts photos of them to her Instagram account. "They are my blessings!!" the proud mom captioned an August 2019 snapshot of her kiddos out to lunch.

Although we admire Grace's love for her children, we're a little confused by this comment she made about her life pre-motherhood. "When I had the twins, I didn't want them to have a bad mommy," she told Oxygen in June 2019. "I didn't want them to have a mommy that wasn't happy. I knew I had to change my life and I don't think if it had ever been for the twins that I'd have ever been happy."

Wait, Grace wasn't happy before Lucy and John David arrived on the scene in November 2007? And if this were the case, why would she admit it publicly? It sounds like the type of confession her husband, David Linch, might not appreciate. Either way, we're glad Grace is content in her favorite role of all time — mom.