Weird Things About Hallmark Stars Alexa And Carlos PenaVega's Marriage

Alexa and Carlos PenaVega are no strangers to growing up in the limelight. Alexa started acting when she was just 5 years old and rose to fame when she starred in the "Spy Kids" trilogy as the teen Carmen Cortez. Like his wife, Carlos also became a teenage heartthrob after joining the band Big Time Rush in 2009, while also starring in the Nickelodeon show by the same name. Although it seems the two would have crossed paths in Hollywood, Alexa and Carlos actually met at a bible study in Los Angeles. "I had known of Alexa, but she was just 'that chick from 'Spy Kids.' She had no idea who I was though, and when we first met, I was completely smitten. I became so nervous I actually started quoting 'Spy Kids,' which did not work because she told our mutual friend I was so weird," Carlos shared with The War Cry.

Carlos' charms obviously worked on Alexa and the two got married in January 2014. "We are so thrilled and blessed that we were able to have all of our close friends and family join us on our special day," the couple announced, per People. Since they've been together, Carlos and Alexa have been inseparable and while all married couples have their quirks, that's just one of the several things that we think are weird about their relationship.

Alexa and Carlos PenaVega refuse to leave each other's side

Alexa and Carlos PenaVega are one of Hollywood's real-life couples who share the small screen, too. While it's typical for actors to leave their partners for weeks or even months at a time to film, Alexa and Carlos refuse to travel without each other. "This industry was not built for families. If anything, it's the opposite. You leave for six months, [and] usually the family stays behind. And it's really hard. I don't know how you raise kids that way. I don't know how you keep a marriage strong that way," Alexa told Southern Living in 2020. The "From Prada to Nada" star said that she and her hubby made a deal to "work together on every project," adding, "And if we can't then the other one will not take a project. And we'll just tag along. That way family is never separated."

The two are so joined at the hip that they even competed on the same season of "Dancing With the Stars," and when Alexa got eliminated, Carlos broke down in tears (via the Daily Mail). "I don't want you to leave. I just wish it had been me," he sobbed. Sweet sentiment or separation anxiety? We'll leave it up to you to decide.

Carlos PenaVega was initially everything Alexa wasn't looking for

Although Alexa and Carlos PenaVega seem perfect for each other now, the couple's relationship didn't start off with a meet-cute like their Hallmark movies. Alexa had no intention of finding a love interest and Carlos checked off everything she was trying to avoid in a partner. "I had come right out of divorce and felt that I needed to realign my life," she told Fox News. "I showed up to bible study and I met Carlos. I just wanted to be friends ... I didn't want anybody in the entertainment industry. No actors, no singers ... He was everything on my 'no' list," she recalled.

It wasn't just Carlos' actor status that turned Alexa off, though. "I actually had a big list of things, attributes in a human that I would never date," she shared with Southern Living. "I come from this crazy, Hispanic family so I'll never date a Latin guy, ever because my family is crazy enough. I'll never date a singer or an actor because you know, most of those guys are conceited and have huge egos. At the time I was like only dating super tall people. So, nobody under 6 feet," Alexa listed, adding, "Carlos missed all of those marks."

Alexa PenaVega said sex with Carlos only got better when trying for a baby

We all know what getting pregnant entails, but Alexa PenaVega might have overshared a bit during an interview with Fit Pregnancy while she and Carlos PenaVega were expecting their first kid. "Sex became so much more intimate, beautiful, and passionate when we were trying. Suddenly the realization hits you: 'Oh my God, we could be starting another life!' That brought us so much closer," Alexa revealed (via Page Six). She also shared that the first two trimesters were hard on her body and Carlos was itching to get her back in the bedroom. "I felt so bad for him because between the puking and exhaustion, I was just done," she said. "Carlos kept saying, 'I can't wait for that horny state to kick in.' He hasn't read any of the books, but he knew about the horny state."

When sharing about what he hoped their first child would be like, Carlos told Entertainment Tonight, "Hopefully it doesn't fart, because I have that talent. I'm just putting it out there because that's what Alexa tells me I can't teach the baby." It seems Alexa isn't the only oversharer in the relationship!

Alexa PenaVega said having sex with Carlos was like going to the gym

No married couple is on the same page when it comes to sex all the time, but according to Alex PenaVega, she made doing the deed with Carlos PenaVega sound like a chore. During a "Heaven in Your Home" podcast episode, Alex stated, "The one area we would kind of like keep missing each other in happened to be ... sex. Yeah, I would enjoy it, but it wasn't this thing I craved all the time. And he's a man so he's like, 'I want you to want me.'" She continued, "This is going to sound terrible but you know how you don't necessarily want to go to the gym at the beginning, but once you start going you're like 'I have to go every day, this is great. I feel good, my body feels good.'"

Although they were intimate before getting married, Alexa made the decision to be celibate until she and Carlos married. "For the rest of our engagement, Carlos didn't get the sex he wanted. But that's kind of the point, isn't it? Marriage isn't about getting what you want. In that most intimate partnership, each partner is called to make sacrifices for the other. So you don't always get all the sex you want," she wrote in their memoir, "What If Love Is the Point?" (via Us Weekly). Alexa shared that she and Carlos have their "ups and downs," and sometimes they "suck at it." She mused, "Everyone's got crap. And it stinks."

Alexa and Carlos PenaVega prefer to live off the grid

Alexa and Carlos PenaVega rely on the entertainment business for their livelihood, but sometimes Hollywood can leave actors exhausted. After feeling "jaded" about living in Los Angeles, Alexa told Fox News that she and Carlos decided to leave the city and raise their kids in a more remote area (via the Daily Mail). "Carlos was really struggling with the industry. Every audition he went on, it would get down between him and one other guy and the other guy would always get it. The rejection was just becoming too much for him," she revealed. At first, Alexa was reluctant to leave, but after praying on it, she realized, "I thought we were just moving for Carlos. But I needed a heart reset."

Once they made the decision to move to Hawaii, things moved quickly. "We visited Maui and we started finding all of these young Christian couples. We prayed on it and then we moved here three months later," Carlos shared with People. Alexa stated, "[We've] never fit the Hollywood mold. We've never done things in the conventional way." Weird and unconventional — we are here for this quirky couple!