What Happened To Nicole Brown Simpson's House Is Heartbreaking

A home can be the site of many memories, both good and bad. Tragically, Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman, with whom she had a close relationship, were murdered just outside the gate of her Los Angeles residence on the night of June 12, 1994.

Brown had no idea what awaited just outside her front door when the night of the murders took place. She was reportedly found in a fetal position at the end of her stairs just outside her home. Nicole was wearing a nightgown and was barefoot when she was found, seemingly ready to go to bed. Blood covered the floor outside her residence, and Goldman's body was found not far from hers. The disturbing autopsy revealed Nicole and Goldman's throats were slit and they both suffered significant stab wounds.

After the gruesome murders, Nicole's ex-husband and former football star O.J. Simpson became a prime suspect in the case. People were divided on whether O.J. was the one to commit the murders, but he was eventually acquitted of the gruesome crime in 1995. Although the case has been put to rest, the dark history of Nicole's former residence will never go away. Rumors had circulated that perhaps the home would be demolished, but that's not what happened. In fact, the home has heartbreakingly become a tourist attraction where visitors come from all over the world to pay their respects — and take selfies. 

Nicole Brown Simpson's home become a tourist attraction

The tragic murders that occurred at Nicole Brown Simpson's home hasn't deterred people from visiting the property. Instead, it seems to have encouraged onlookers to seek it out. With all the attention the property has received, there have been many attempts to erase its dark past. Just two years after O.J. Simpson was acquitted of the murders, the new homeowners redid the landscaping, adjusting the shrubbery outside the home to make the house a bit more unrecognizable. However, they did more than just rearrange some plants to try and dissociate the home from the infamous murders.

The house even officially changed its address, hoping it would keep people away from the property, but that didn't seem to work either. In fact, neighbors saw an uptick in people stopping by when the TV miniseries "The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story" premiered in 2016. However, even before the increase of onlookers thanks to the show, neighbors still dealt with people stopping by to check out the scene of the crimes.

In 2014, resident Eileen Kawas spoke to The Los Angeles Times about how people will linger by the property. She even said that tour buses swung by with tourists as it has become more of a macabre attraction. She told the outlet, "We'd like to move on and have a quiet neighborhood. I've come outside at 10 or 11 p.m. at night to walk my dog and there are people taking pictures. It's not a good feeling."

Nicole Brown Simpson's family sold the property

Nicole Brown Simpson bought the Bundy Drive condo for $625,000 in January 1994. From the spacious living quarters (it's over 3000 square feet) to the Brentwood location, the home would have been a dream for anyone, but that residence quickly turned into a nightmare following the mysterious murders of Nicole and Ron Goldman. 

After the murders, Nicole's sister, Denise Brown, couldn't look at the home in the same way. She told ABC News, "I mean, it wasn't, it wasn't as if the furniture or anything was gone. But it was just an empty, lonely feeling. You know, something was missing and it was my sister." While some significant landmarks in the O.J. Simpson case were demolished, the Brown family chose a different route.

The Brown family wanted to rid the property and Nicole's dad, Louis Brown, reached out to Randall Bell to get it appraised. Randall shared, "Lou asked me to appraise the property and also give him some advice on how to handle the situation," adding, "The family, of course, was dealing with a horrible emotional problem and still is. But on the other hand, they had this condo and they had practical issues and they needed to sell it." However, it might've been too fresh to sell because the condo sat untouched for two years. The home finally sold for $200,000 less than what Nicole paid for before it was sold again in 2006 for $1.72 million.