The Apprentice Producer Claims Trump Made Inappropriate Ivanka Comparison On Set

"You're fired." It's the iconic line that viewers heard for years after "The Apprentice" appeared on NBC in 2004 and continued on for over a decade. The show was a huge success, but behind the scenes, Trump's behavior was unprofessional — at least, that's what a producer claims. A producer from the show, Bill Pruitt, has alleged that the former U.S. president made an inappropriate comparison to his daughter, Ivanka Trump.

Pruitt discussed the ill-suited comments Trump made about women who worked on the show or appeared on the show — among many other things. However, one comment that related to his daughter, Ivanka, truly stood out to the producer. He recalls to Slate Donald pointing out a female camera operator, who had blonde hair and blue eyes, resembling his daughter. The businessman reportedly made comparisons to her, before saying, "There's a beautiful woman behind that camera." His remark was already a bit icky, but Donald took it even further. He reportedly said on set, "That's all I want to look at."

This outing of Donald's inappropriate behavior on the set of "The Apprentice" isn't something new. Back in 2016, there were already claims that the former U.S. president was sexist and treated women poorly on the set. However, this comment is different because the businessman is drawing comparisons to his daughter, but it shouldn't be surprising considering all the other inappropriate comments he has made about Ivanka in the past.

Donald Trump has a history of making strange comments about Ivanka

Donald Trump has talked a lot about his eldest daughter, Ivanka Trump, and sometimes it can cross the line. There have been a handful of times that the former U.S. president has acted totally inappropriate towards Ivanka. In 2006, in one of Donald's most cringe-worthy television appearances, he and Ivanka appeared on "The View," where he discussed how he would feel if she were to ever pose for Playboy. He told the co-hosts (via Today), "I don't think Ivanka would do that, although she does have a very nice figure. I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her." As weird as his comments may seem, this wouldn't be the last time he would talk about Ivanka's looks and whether he would date her.

When Ivanka was brought up in a 2015 Rolling Stone interview, Donald praised his eldest daughter in a strange way. He said, "Yeah, she's really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren't happily married and, ya know, her father..." It's no secret that Donald is fond of Ivanka, but his comments are odd for a father to say about his daughter. Still, the former U.S. president has continued to share these inappropriate remarks, whether it's on-set of "The Apprentice" or in interviews.