Celebs Who Can't Stand George Clooney

George Clooney has been called "the Mayor of Hollywood." He is friends with former President Barack Obama, Britain's Prince Harry, actors Don Cheadle, Matt DamonBrad Pitt — the list goes on and on.  In 2018, Clooney was the guest of honor at the American Film Institute Life Achievement Award gala, an event where, as The Hollywood Reporter noted, Bill Murray called him "the most decent person I have ever worked with" and Diane Keaton said he is "irresistible in every possible way." According to The Hollywood Reporter, the actor is "as charismatic in person as anyone alive, as charming and gracious."

However, the O Brother, Where Art Thou? actor may not be every star's cup of tequila. As beloved and popular as he is, there are still some celebrities who apparently just do not fancy George Clooney. There are the famous individuals who've publicly feuded with Clooney and still others who are rumored to be less than fond of the actor, despite claiming the contrary. Of course, there's also those who've had lighthearted beefs with the venerated actor.

Ready to get into some stories about some public figures who have had drama (and "drama") with Clooney? To the Batcave, Robin! And by "Batcave" we mean "list of incidents." And by "Robin" we mean "reader." Anyway...

The sellout accusation that launched a feud between George Clooney and this famous actor

Once upon a time, Russell Crowe made a comment about George Clooney — and the rest was celeb feud history. According to The Guardian, Crowe told reporters in 2005, "I don't do ads for suits in Spain like George Clooney or cigarettes in Japan like Harrison [Ford]. I mean, Robert De Niro advertising American Express. Gee whiz, it's not the first time he's disappointed me."

After Crowe accused Clooney and others of selling their souls for a paycheck, Clooney revealed to Esquire that the actor attempted to make amends for his comments and extended an olive branch (of sorts). Clooney recalled, "So he sends me a disc of his music and a thing of his poetry. I think he said, 'I was all misquoted,' and I was like, 'Yeah, yeah. Whatever.'" He told the magazine that he figured Crowe only reached out because they were about to cross paths during awards season. The Ocean's Eleven star revealed that he responded to Crowe's comments in a statement, which apparently ruffled Crowe's feathers. Clooney shared, "And that's when he really went off on me. 'Who the f*** does this guy think he is? He's a Frank Sinatra wannabe.' He really went after me."

To recap, Crowe made him a CD, gave him a book of poetry, and called him a wannabe Frank Sinatra. You've got to admit, Maximus really knows how to take a feud to the max.

George Clooney may never play basketball with this A-lister again

George Clooney and Leonardo DiCaprio aren't enemies, but there has been some trash talking in their relationship. When speaking with Esquire in 2013, Clooney recalled the time he and his friends played a game of basketball with DiCaprio and his friends. According to Clooney, DiCaprio's team was not as good as they said they were, and this led to him questioning The Revenant actor's inner circle. He said, "The discrepancy between their game and how they talked about their game made me think of how important it is to have someone in your life to tell you what's what. I'm not sure if Leo has someone like that."

Following the feature, Clooney's publicist provided the following statement to E! News: "The Leo comments were all made in fun about basketball. Not about Leo's life. The writer and George were laughing about basketball buddies." There you have it. It was apparently not supposed to be a personal foul.

Regardless, DiCaprio ended up defending himself and his group of friends. When ShortList asked him in 2014 if he feels like he is surrounded by good people, he replied, "Hell yeah, they're good people. It's a mixture of actors and non-actors — guys I went to school with. And guys that I met in the industry, such as Kevin Connolly and Tobey Maguire." Hoop-ray for friendship. 

A hotel tycoon called George Clooney "mollycoddled"

George Clooney and casino and hotel mogul Steve Wynn reportedly got into a heated conversation about then-President Barack Obama at a dinner in Las Vegas in 2014. In a statement provided to The Hollywood Reporter, Clooney said Wynn called Obama "an a**h***," which led to Clooney telling "Steve that HE was an a**h*** and that I wasn't going to sit at his table while he was being such a jacka**." Clooney at odds with a Vegas casino owner? How very Danny Ocean of him.

In an interview with Bloomberg, Wynn denied calling Obama an a**h*** and claimed Clooney was "a little into the tequila." Wynn also said "successful artists like George [Clooney]" are "mollycoddled" and "live in a very strange bubble of their own."

Clooney disputed Wynn's response in a statement to People, claiming the hotelier "bellowed 'I voted for the a**h***,' and then called him the same thing several more times as the dinner came to an abrupt end." Clooney owned up to calling Wynn an a**h**** as he left the dinner, but denied the claims regarding his tequila consumption. He also took umbrage with Wynn declaring that he is "mollycoddled" and "in a bubble." Clooney went on to say that Wynn could stand to look outside his own bubble "or at least start with the fact that you can't make up stories when eight people who are not on your payroll are sitting around you as witnesses." 

Sandra Bullock's son took issue with George Clooney

This one is all in good fun, but be warned: It is objectively adorable. While promoting outer space thriller Gravity at a 2013 Toronto International Film Festival press event, Sandra Bullock shared that her son, Louis Bullock, is a big fan of her costar and longtime pal George Clooney. According to Hello magazine, the actress told reporters that Louis "thinks [Clooney is] the coolest dude." She added, "If there's a choice between me, and George and Alfonso [Cuaron, the film's director], my son will leave me to be with George and these guys. He's a boy's boy, so he has to go talk to the men." 

When speaking to Us Weekly that same yearClooney called Sandra "a very good mom" and talked about the time she, her son, Cuaron, and his friend Rande Gerber all stayed at his home on Lake Como. "We had some very good man time — played a little basketball with Louis," he said. 

However, that bond was put to the test once Louis saw a clip of Gravity, where his mom and one of her best friends were pictured experiencing a series of unfortunate events in space. Apparently, he was not thrilled with some of Clooney's character's actions. In 2015, Sandra shared in an interview with Absolute Radio that Louis "sort of blames George" for what happened to her character. She laughed, "He was a little upset as to why George wasn't helping me." Aww.

George Clooney's antics allegedly weren't always appreciated

Years after George Clooney and Ryan Gosling worked together on The Ides of March, there were some not-so-great whispers regarding Gosling's opinion of Clooney. Life & Style (via Celebrity Dirty Laundry) reported in 2015 that Gosling "can barely stand to share oxygen with him." The outlet also claimed that "Ryan was disgusted with George's antics" and allegedly "felt George would talk nonstop about things like friends picking up prostitutes." Gosling also allegedly "vowed that he would never hang out with him" and took issue with his "frat-boy ways." Again, this is all alleged, so process these claims accordingly.

As juicy as the rumor may be, it really may be nothing more than gossip. In 2011, Gosling deadpanned to Extra that Clooney is "hard to be around because he's so handsome, charming, smart, funny. He's all those things. Pretty depressing." When asked about Clooney's on-set pranks, Gosling said The Ides of March director would pull stunts like spritzing his pants with water while discussing a scene. He said, "And then you walk away and you realize your pants are wet. He's had like an Evian spray bottle. He's been spraying your crotch the whole time."

When speaking with New York magazine that same year, Gosling said working with Clooney as a director was "amazing." He shared, "He's like Bugs Bunny. He's good at everything, and nothing really fazes him. He's Bugs Bunny, and I'm Daffy Duck." That's all, folks.

George Clooney created a memorable Oscars moment for a nominee's family member

Fear not, folks, this is another lighthearted "feud" that is not actually a feud, but rather a funny story. On a 2018 episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live, Saoirse Ronan reminisced about a run-in she had with George Clooney at the 2008 Academy Awards. Er, a run-in her mother had with George Clooney at the 2008 Academy Awards, that is. That run-in was, as she put it, "all I remember from the night, out of everything, out of the whole experience."

Here is what went down: As Ronan, who was up for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in Atonement, was doing interviews on the red carpet, her mom was busy trying to get the train of her own dress out from under the foot of an A-list celebrity. And that A-list celebrity was — you guessed it! — Mr. Clooney. When Ronan's mom realized the star of Michael Clayton was accidentally standing on her dress, she tried but failed to get his attention. Eventually, he just walked away, totally oblivious to the dress incident he played a major role in. Ronan said, "She came up to me after and she was like, 'You'll never believe what just happened to me. You'll never believe what George Clooney just did to me.'" Nothing quite like Clooney unintentionally traipsing over your mom's gown at the Oscars to let you know you have made it in Hollywood. 

George Clooney clashed with this director

When George Clooney and director David O. Russell worked together on 1999's Three Kings, they apparently butted heads — literally. In a 2000 interview with Playboy (via George Clooney's Open House), Clooney said he attempted to put a stop to Russell screaming at people on set, but it did not go well. According to Clooney, Russell called him names, started yelling, and then things got physical. Clooney claimed Russell "started banging me on the head with his head." A fistfight apparently erupted, but then someone else got ahold of Clooney in an effort to break things up. Clooney said, "I had him by the throat. I was going to kill him. Kill him. Finally, he apologized, but I walked away." Clooney dubbed the shoot the "worst experience of my life" and implied he'd never work with the director again.

In a 2004 issue of Premiere (via The Guardian), Clooney addressed the infamous behind-the-scenes argument-turned-fight once more. He told the magazine, "Quite honestly, if he comes near me, I'll sock him right in the f****** mouth." Russell's response? "I never physically attacked him." The director continued, saying, "If I ran into him, I'd say, 'Shut the f*** up, you lying-a** b****.'"

And yet, they eventually agreed to move on. Clooney told The Hollywood Reporter in 2012 that he recently ran into Russell at a party and the interaction did not end in fisticuffs. Instead, Clooney asked Russell if they were "done" and Russell replied, "Please." And that's that.