The Shocking Claim Leah Remini Made About Tom Cruise's COVID-19 Rant

These days, it's pretty rare when Tom Cruise makes headlines for a positive reason. But the polarizing actor did so when he lambasted crew members on the set of Mission Impossible: 7 for not following COVID-19 safety precautions.

While many of his peers in the industry praised his safety stance, including Whoopi Goldberg, one dissenting opinion has emerged amid the applause: Leah Remini, who claims Cruise's behavior was a publicity stunt.

In December 2020, Cruise laid into two workers who weren't socially distancing on set in England, and he didn't hold back, according to an audio recording obtained by The Sun.

"If I see you do it again, you're f***ing gone," Cruise reportedly yelled. "And if anyone in this crew does it, that's it — and you too and you too. And you, don't you ever f***ing do it again."

But Remini called BS on the rant, and questioned Cruise's intentions. Of course, given Remini's negative history with Scientology (of which Cruise is practically a poster boy) and her subsequent whistleblowing of the religion, it's unsurprising Remini would doubt him. Let's see what else she had to say about the star's outburst.

Leah Remini thinks that Tom Cruise's coronavirus outburst was purely a publicity stunt

In mid-December 2020, Leah Remini sent an exclusive — and extensive — statement to The Underground Bunker about Tom Cruise's verbal attack on Mission Impossible: 7 crew members.

She explained that, when the pandemic emerged, Scientology leader David Miscavige called it "a planetary bullbait," meaning it was a test of Scientologists' faith and that they should all continue with life as normal. Thus, Cruise reacting in such a way regarding the coronavirus doesn't make sense in her view.

"Anything you see coming from Scientology and Scientologists, such as mask-wearing and supposedly humanitarian efforts, is just a show," she said. "It's for public relations reasons only."

Remini went on to claim that the rant "shows his true personality," claiming that Cruise "is an abusive person. I witnessed it, I've been a recipient of it on a small level, and I've been told of similar abuse by his former girlfriend, his employees, and his friends."

She mentioned other instances when Cruise allegedly flew off the handle in a similar way, including yelling at an assistant who "had the audacity to serve him a drink in a chipped mug."

Remini wrapped up her statement with quite a blow to Cruise: "So, my short answer to how I feel about yet another one of Tom's psychotic rants being exposed? I am getting 'small d*** energy' from Tom and men like him."

Talk about a mic drop.

If you or someone you know is dealing with verbal abuse, you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−7233 or TTY 1−800−787−3224. You can also find more information, resources, and support at