Here What Trump's Family Thinks About His Twitter Ban

President Donald Trump was banned from Twitter following riots inside the U.S. Capitol building that resulted in the deaths of five people. First, Trump was temporarily suspended and then, on Jan. 8, 2021, Twitter announced that he was "deplatformed" and his account was closed, according to Variety. (According to MarketWatch, Facebook and Shopify also banned him from their platforms indefinitely after insurrectionists stormed and vandalized the Capitol on Jan. 6.)

Twitter was fired up with reactions to the ban, with many praising the social media platform for the big decision. Comedian and writer Wanda Sykes tagged Twitter's CEO Jack Dorsey and tweeted: "FINALLY! @jack told Trump to STFU!" She also mentioned the rest of the Trump family in her tweet, saying: "Can we put them on a family plan? Don Jr, Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany, Jared, you too Melania...Shut all of those scoundrels down!"

Sykes' Twitter comment is a valuable one, as Trump's children have rallied around him, often perpetuating the rhetoric of their father. What has the rest of the Trump family been doing in the midst of Trump's Twitter ban? Have they reacted? We've got the scoop.

Some of the Trump clan pipes up, others remain silent

The Trump family has had varying reactions to Donald Trump's Twitter ban. As of this writing, Melania Trump has not mentioned her husband's Twitter ban on her own FLOTUS account. Meanwhile, Ivanka Trump has not explicitly commented on her dad's ban, but she made sure to mention that "peaceful protesting is patriotic," while condemning violence. Eric Trump has remained silent about his father's ban thus far, too.

However, their siblings have been very active. Donald Trump Jr. jumped on Twitter on Jan. 8, 2021 to tweet: "Free Speech Is Under Attack! Censorship is happening like NEVER before! Don't let them silence us." He also offered a link to his website,, where subscribers could sign up to receive messages from "Don Jr. & Affiliates." Could this be a new platform for his father, too? Meanwhile, his girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, repinned several of Trump Jr.'s tweets about an "attack" on freedom of speech.

Tiffany Trump has also been active on Twitter to support her dad. As The Mercury News notes, she was the first in Trump's clan to make note of Trump's ban and to retweet several of his messages. She also retweeted conservative activist Charlie Kirk's tweet which mentioned the leader of Iran and read: "Ayatollah Khamenei is still allowed on Twitter & Instagram but Donald Trump is not. Think about that."

It seems unlikely that Trump will remain silent forever, so we will have to keep watching to see where he pops up next. In the meantime, some of his children will seemingly continue to act as his mouthpiece.