Meghan Markle's Childhood Sweetheart Speaks Out About Her
Meghan Markle has been making headlines for years, especially since word got out that she was dating Prince Harry. It has been a bit of a whirlwind — to say the least — but these days, the Duchess of Sussex seems much happier with the decisions that she has made. Currently pregnant with her second child, Meghan constantly finds herself coming under fire following the interview she and Harry did with Oprah Winfrey that aired back on March 7. However, she has also found that there are several people from her past and present — friends and former friends — who have stepped forward in support of her as the media continues to try to tear her down.
The latest of these Meghan supporters is a man named Joshua Silverstein. According to the Daily Mail, Silberstein once dated the duchess, back when they were young teens. The report indicates that Silverstein was actually Meghan's first kiss, when she was just 13-years-old. The Los Angeles-based artist, writer, and activist appeared on the May 18 episode of ITV's "Lorraine," in which he spoke out about Meghan, who he knew decades ago. Read on to find out what he had to say.
Joshua Silverstein called Meghan Markle 'courageous'
Joshua Silverstein defended Meghan Markle during his interview on "Lorraine," according to the Daily Mail. "There's a history of racism within the royal family that goes way back to the transatlantic slave trade. The fact Meghan is able to get on TV and bravely talk about that is awesome," he said. "Whenever people of color speak out against oppression and racism, genuinely there's a huge backlash so the fact she got up and spoke about that even knowing it could create a lot of tension between her and her family, I thought that was really courageous on her part," he added.
Silverstein also told "Lorraine" host Lorraine Kelly what he remembered about Meghan from their high school days. "Meghan was always a strong, confident young person. It was always clear when we was together that she had a very clear idea of where she wanted her path to take her," he said (via the Daily Mail). Although the two know each other from a long time ago, it seems like the Duchess of Sussex still has an ally in Silverstein.