Jay Mohr Claims Estranged Wife Nikki Cox May Be Dangerous To Their Son

Comedian Jay Mohr has expressed some serious and unsettling concerns about estranged wife Nikki Cox in a new court filing.

In documents obtained by People, Mohr, 46, requested sole physical custody and joint legal custody of his and Cox's five-year-old son, Meredith.

In his custody filing, Mohr claims that since he initially filed for divorce from Cox, 38, in July 2016 after nearly 10 years of marriage, that they've lived in the same home, and he withdrew his first filing just days later. However, he now states that her issues have forced him to take their son and move elsewhere.

"[The current] living situation has become extremely confusing and untenable; and, our son is suffering," Mohr claims in documents. "Based upon the the increasing hostility in our home, Nikki's ongoing refusal to attend her mental health issues ... her abuse of drugs, and her failure to respect boundaries, I had no choice but to obtain alternate housing for me and our son," the filing states.

In the filing, Mohr raises several issues that he has with Cox's parenting of Meredith.

"Nikki's mental health issues continue to go untreated. ... she continues to demonstrate that she is incapable of caring for Meredith ... My concerns [when filing for divorce] included, but were not limited to, the following facts: Nikki abused drugs, she rarely left her locked bedroom (there were times when Nikki would go two full days without seeing Meredith even though we were all in the same house); She was an insomniac who would stay awake for days at a time; she threatened to take her own life on at least two occasions; and she is unable to drive (she never obtained her driver's license)," Mohr's filing states.

He added, "Prior to this dissolution proceeding, Nikki was absent from Meredith's life. To this day, she has never spent t24 alone with Meredith and has relegated most of Meredith's care to me and Meredith's nanny ... To her credit, since July 2016, Nikki has been less absent from Meredith's life. However, as set forth in further detail below, Nikki's sudden presence in Meredith” life has caused confusion, resulting in Meredith exhibiting signs of regression, both at home and in school ... His behavior is deteriorating both at school and with his therapists." He continues, "Nikki's poor parenting decisions affect Meredith”s well-being. Her refusal to discipline Meredith has made me the parent who enforces the rules in our house. When I have checked on Meredith in the middle of the night, I have walked into the master bedroom to see Meredith and Nikki awake at 2:00 a.m, watching cartoons and eating candy."

Mohr also claimed in the filing that Cox told him in January 2017 that she was pregnant with his child, even though he is "azoospermic, so this news meant either a miracle had happened, another man had impregnated Nikki, or she was lying." He also reported that on two occasions during their marriage, she threatened to commit suicide. He concluded, "While I acknowledge that I still love Nikki, I also acknowledge that we can no longer be married to each other, and I cannot continue to raise our son in a toxic environment."