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Eric Trump's Latest Comments About His Dad Get Roasted On Social Media

Ever since former President Donald Trump entered (and subsequently exited) the doors of the White House, his second-eldest son Eric Trump has been the butt of many a joke, per the Daily Beast, for allegedly being the least-liked Trump child. Part of this speculation is based on an a mixture of family dynamics, birth order, stereotypes, optics — and Eric's unwavering support for his father. (It also doesn't help that other members of the Trump brood told The Cut that Donald's eldest daughter, Ivanka Trump, is his favorite.) 

Whether or not this is actually the case, one thing is for certain: Eric's reputation for defending his father is substantively well-documented, especially on Eric's social media accounts and during on-air interviews. But it's also to a degree that has at times become fodder for critics of the Trump family as a political dynasty-in-the-making — especially at times in which Eric has seemingly exaggerated the truth when publicly adulating his dad. The most recent example? Look no further than Eric's January 25 appearance on Fox News.

Eric Trump's boast about his dad was shut down after a fact check

Eric Trump recently appeared on Fox News to defend his father Donald Trump's White House track record as a hard-working commander-in-chief, only to be thoroughly debunked by cold, hard facts. Eric exalted his the former president's work ethic in an attempt to trash current President Joe Biden, claiming his father "sat there [in the White House] 24 hours a day and fought for the United States' best interests," and accused the Biden administration of doing neither. 

Unfortunately for Eric, his statements were quickly shut down by many who pointed out all of the time the former president spent tweeting (and playing golf). It also didn't help that the former president's daily schedule, published by Axios, seemed relatively light on meetings.

After the segment went live, a number of high profile figures took to Twitter to roast Eric for aggrandizing his father's metaphorical timesheet. "Sat where? On the golf cart? Or preening in front of the TV?" tweeted California Rep. Eric Swalwell. "Donald Trump has spent *decades* putting in one and two-hour work days," wrote Tim O'Brien, author of the exposé "TrumpNation." Comedian Dana Goldberg put it this way: "His father sat there 24 hours a day. Is he talking about a toilet?" Oof.