Signs That In-Laws Ivanka Trump And Karlie Kloss Have A Rocky Relationship

When Karlie Kloss married into the Kushner family in 2018, she officially became related to the Trumps. Kloss is in a relationship with Joshua Kushner, the younger brother of Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump's husband and former senior advisor to former President Donald Trump. Kloss' association with the family hasn't come without costs. "It's been hard," Kloss told British Vogue in 2019. "But I choose to focus on the values that I share with my husband, and those are the same liberal values that I was raised with and that have guided me throughout my life."

Kloss, a Democrat who publicly promotes social causes aligned with the left, avoids discussing her relationship with Ivanka, whose political views couldn't be more different than her own. Ivanka, on the other hand, has been more forthcoming. When the former Victoria's Secret model announced her engagement to Joshua, Ivanka made a big deal about the news. "So, so happy for you and Josh!" Ivanka commented on Kloss' Instagram post (via Harper's Bazaar). "I feel blessed to have you as a sister (!!!) Karlie and look forward to the happy memories we will create together as a family!"

In 2019, Ivanka celebrated Kloss' debut as the "Project Runway" host. "There's Karlie! It's happening!" Ivanka recorded herself saying in front of the TV. However, as time has passed and her family has become more involved in politics, Ivanka seems to have grown colder toward her sister-in-law. Since 2021, there have been several signs that the two have a rocky relationship. 

Karlie Kloss criticized Ivanka Trump amid the Capitol Riot

When Donald Trump supporters stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021, Ivanka Trump called them "American patriots" in a tweet she deleted following intense criticism. Among her detractors was her own sister-in-law. At least, that's how her response to the attack was perceived. "Accepting the results of a legitimate democratic election is patriotic," Kloss tweeted. "Refusing to do so and inciting violence is anti-American." And she didn't stop there.

When a user suggested Kloss share her wisdom with Ivanka and Jared Kushner, she didn't mince her words. "I've tried," she responded. Ivanka reportedly learned of her sister-in-law's harsh criticism of her. "The tweet was brought to Ivanka's attention and she was mostly surprised," a source told Page Six. Kloss and Ivanka had managed to maintain a decent relationship by avoiding the subject of politics, according to the insider who denied that Kloss had ever approached the issue with Ivanka. "[It's] simply not true," the source added.

Ivanka's relationship with Kloss became more complicated after the model endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016. "She hasn't had a close relationship with them [Jared and Ivanka] for quite some time," the insider said. Donald may have left the White House in 2021, but things between Ivanka and Kloss don't seem to have improved. In March, both attended a wedding in India but were never spotted together, the Daily Mail noted. Ivanka was even photographed with Joshua Kushner, but Kloss was nowhere to be seen.

What about Joshua Kushner's relationship with Jared?

Joshua Kushner's relationship with Jared Kushner is a bit more difficult to gauge. The two definitely have different political views — at least today. Jared and Ivanka Trump both used to be registered Democrats, having reportedly donated to Democratic candidates in New York for years. Even though Joshua didn't go through this political revolution, he has seemingly remained close with his brother and sister-in-law. In 2017, Joshua even defended Jared and Ivanka, someone he refers to as his sister.

"Neither political party has a monopoly on the truth or on constructive ideas for our country," he told Forbes. "It's important to be open minded and learn from differing opinions." In the profile, Forbes described Jared as Joshua's "best friend." While Joshua seemed hesitant to discuss his relationship with his family, he indicated they are close. "Jared and I still speak every day," he elaborated. It's unclear whether any of that changed as the Donald Trump administration became increasingly polarized, particularly after the Capitol riot.

Karlie Kloss certainly seems to have distanced her public persona from them. While she had previously brushed off criticism of her association with both families, many now believe she's going out of her way to avoid being seen in their presence. "Why don't you want us to know you were with your BIL&SIL??" an Instagram user commented on the photos Kloss posted from the Indian wedding that Ivanka and Jared were also at.