Hunter Biden's Marriage Withstands Heat From Gun Trial (Take Notes, Trumps!)

Hunter Biden's trial for falsely purchasing a firearm is well underway and it's clear that his loved ones, including his wife Melissa Cohen Biden, and First Lady Jill Biden, have rallied around him. Hunter and his family were present at the jury selection on June 3 and despite the tense situation, he was able to show some levity. As reported by the Washington Post (via Newsweek), when Jill walked into the courthouse, Hunter joked to his stepmother, "Happy birthday, I got you a special event." Although Joe Biden wasn't there, he showed support for his son by stating, "As the President, I don't and won't comment on pending federal cases, but as a Dad, I have boundless love for my son, confidence in him, and respect for his strength. Our family has been through a lot together, and Jill and I are going to continue to be there for Hunter and our family with our love and support."

As reported by NBC News, Hunter sat during the jury selection with his family and when the day was over, he showed appreciation for Melissa's support by touching her shoulder as they walked out. The POTUS' son arrived at the opening statements the following day bolstered by his family yet again. While Melissa has been quiet about her husband's trial thus far, she showed that she has his back when a former Trump aide's presence in the court had her heated.

Melissa Biden went off on a former White House staff member who tried to expose her husband

Melissa Cohen Biden has been cool as a cucumber during Hunter Biden's trial, but when she saw Garrett Ziegler outside the courtroom, she snapped, "You have no right to be here, you Nazi piece of s***," per NBC News. "For the record, I'm not a Nazi, I'm a believer in the U.S. Constitution. I haven't said one thing to them," he stated to the news outlet. Hunter is suing Ziegler for allegedly publishing personal content from his laptop, Politico reported. The suit also claimed, "Defendant Ziegler went so far as to declare on social media that efforts by Plaintiff to serve him with legal process in the future would [be] met with violence: 'If the [president's] son sends a proxy [i.e., a process server] to illegally trespass on my property I will blow their f***ing brains out."

Hunter's wife, whom he married in 2019 less than a week after they met, had his back when he was criticized for doing business with a Ukrainian oil company. "Things have not been easy externally," she told ABC News three months after their nuptials. "But internally, things have been amazing and it's only tested our bond," she added.