Press Secretary Jen Psaki Reveals The State Of Biden's Health

Joe Biden is the oldest serving president in the history of the United States. And time and time again, his health and ability to serve as President of the United States has been under scrutiny by Republicans and ex-president Donald Trump.

While Biden seems to not be indulging in the discourse around his health, others close to him have. In fact, in an article in The Washington Post — what the publication called a "rare glimpse inside a president's actual life" — Joe Biden was said to begin his morning workout by lifting weights with a personal trainer. He was also said to have biked around during his presidential run. This "glimpse" into the president's life comes after Biden was seen losing balance on the steps of Air Force One back in March. At the time, Communications Director Kate Bedingfield tweeted that the incident was nothing more than a "misstep on the stairs," adding, "he is just fine and did not even require any attention from the medical team who travels with him."

Biden was also declared fit during his campaign run. Kevin O'Connor, associate professor of medicine and of health, human function, and rehabilitation sciences at George Washington University, officially declared Biden a "healthy, vigorous, 77-year-old male." He also said that Biden was fit to "successfully execute the duties of the presidency to include those as Chief Executive, Head of State and Commander in Chief." And now, the White House Press Secretary has something to say about his health as well.

Joe Biden is 'hard to keep up with,' according to Jen Psaki

At a press conference on May 24, one journalist needed to get the inside scoop on President Joe Biden's health — specifically, the inside scoop on Biden's "health regime," following The Washington Post article that detailed his reported workout routine. When the reporter asked White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki about Biden's exercise plan, she was not only quick to assure and reiterate the president is a healthy man, but she also noted that he is also one who is "hard to keep up with."

Referring to The Washington Post's claims about President Biden having a personal trainer and lifting weights, the reporter wondered if Psaki could describe his gym routine. The journalist even asked her about those Peloton claims (sources close to Biden revealed to The Washington Post that "during the 2020 campaign, he biked regularly on both a traditional bike and a Peloton"). To be fair, Peloton bikes have seen a lot of action during quarantine, and the journalist wondered where Biden's Peloton was now. "Did he bring it to the White House?" the reporter asked.

While Psaki laughed and explained that she wasn't going to comment on "the president's exercise regime," she said she could speak from her own experience working and traveling alongside the president. In fact, she knows that he's in good shape. "I can tell you having traveled with him a fair amount, sometimes he's hard to keep up with," Psaki revealed.

Inside Joe Biden's medical history

Even before the 2020 presidential election — and back when then-President Donald Trump had Twitter — he repeatedly referred to Joe Biden as "Sleepy Joe," implying that Biden was mentally unfit to run for office and, therefore, become president. Other right-wing political commentators weighed in as well, with the controversial Joe Rogan voicing similar sentiments.

But those surrounding President Biden have always been firm in their statements that the president is perfectly healthy in both mind and body. In fact, a comprehensive assessment of Biden's health was released in December 2019, as we noted above. In fact, the doctor who examined him, Kevin O'Connor, detailed Biden's fitness routine, his medications, his substance intake (or lack thereof), as well as specific vital measurements.  According to the report, per WebMD, in December 2019, Biden was taking "blood thinners and medication for acid reflux, cholesterol, and seasonal allergies," noting that he "does not use tobacco or drink alcohol and exercises five days a week." (Unfortunately, there was no mention of the Peloton.) Additionally, Biden had undergone multiple sinus surgeries in his life, as well as the removal of his gallbladder and non-melanoma skin cancers. "At the time of the exam," per WebMD, "he was 5 feet, 11 inches tall, weighed 178 pounds, and had a blood pressure of 128/84."

Clearly, based on this, what "seven people familiar with the president's daily life" told The Washington Post on May 24, and what Psaki reiterated at the press conference, Biden is A-OK.