The Strange Connection Meghan Markle Might Have To An Informercial Company

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been dubbed celebrity eco-warriors by the media for the way they've preached about the importance of saving our planet numerous times. Back in December of 2020, Harry told WaterBear in an interview that becoming a father has made him realize just how important it was to take care of the planet for the sake of his children's future. He said (via the Independent), "It's certainly reminded me, as it has probably reminded all of us, how interconnected we all are. Not just as people but through nature. We take so much from her but we rarely give anything back."

And while a lot of royal fans believed that Harry was very sincere with his words, both he and his wife Meghan have been called environmental hypocrites for taking more than 21 trips on private jets in the past two years, according to Newsweek. But it's their flight from New York City back home to California that has a lot of people talking and speculating about Meghan's future in particular, as she might be getting ready to either do an infomercial or launch her own product line. Here's what you need to know.

Is Meghan Markle about to hawk her own beauty and product line?

Ever since Prince Harry and Meghan Markle left the royal family, they've managed to ink some major multi-million deals with the likes of Netflix and Spotify. And now some reports suggest that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are supposedly looking to add "spokesperson" to their already long list of job titles — as they flew home from their trip to New York City in a jet owned by the direct marketing company Guthy-Renker, according to the Daily Mail. This is the same company that big A-list stars such as Cindy Crawford, Jennifer Lopez and Heidi Klum have worked with in the past to sell their beauty lines. The company is known for its informercials, and call themselves the "industry leader in direct marketing." 

So far neither Harry nor Meghan have made any comments about the informercial or product line speculation, but the media has been using the term "Markle Sparkle" to describe Meghan's glow for some time. In fact, taking care of her health both from the inside and out has always been on Meghan's mind. As she told Best Health — years before she got together with Harry — "As I'm getting older, my approach to aging is quite different. I make sure that I take care of my skin and body, especially with the work hours I have." Meghan also noted that she doesn't "just take care of myself for aesthetic reasons, but because how I feel is dictated by what I'm eating, how much rest I'm getting and how much water I'm drinking." With that said, we could definitely see Meghan doing an informercial — as long as she's not recording them during her private jet flights.