Samira Wiley And Lauren Morelli Dish On Married Life

Orange Is the New Black (2013-) star Samira Wiley and series writer Lauren Morelli are loving married life!

The newlyweds, who got hitched in March 2017, gave Entertainment Tonight an exclusive look inside their marriage on May 7, 2017 at Netflix's FYSee Space launch party. And apparently, there's been a playful debate regarding what to call their new relationship status.

As Morelli explained, "We keep debating how to pronounce it. Samira wants to be 'wifes.'" Wiley quickly chimed in, "I keep saying that if we're 'wives' then that just means that we have two husbands somewhere and we're just hanging out."

But all that aside, the sweet pair couldn't help but gush over their incredible European honeymoon, which they kicked off in style at Disneyland.

"We went to Italy and stayed there for a little while and gazed into each other's eyes and had a good time," Morelli said, joking, "That's what you're supposed to do on a honeymoon, right? We didn't speak at all. We just gazed the whole time." The writer added, "It was really great. It was really lovely."

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The two also talked Orange Is the New Blackβ€”spoiler alert!β€”which is gearing up for its June 9th season 5 premiere. Following the devastating death of Wiley's character Poussey, the actress noted that the season 4 finale, which, in flashbacks, showcased Poussey's life before prison, was "a real memorial to her life." She added that it "was really uplifting, actually, to be able to leave on that note rather than have to leave on the 'she's dead' note."

Morelli, who wrote the episode, added, "It was such a difficult episode and we were so glad to be doing it together. I think it would have been really hard for me β€” because I ended up writing it, I got to be on set. It would have been really hard to feel like I just had to sit at home while this was happening."

The happy couple said that they had "a great time working together" and that the experience "was really a honor."