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How Mary Trump Used Big Bird To Take A Dig At Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz, the Texas senator and Trump supporter whose choices as a lawmaker have routinely kept his name in the press, seemingly still has some headline-making stunts up his sleeve. The most recent example? Starting an online feud with one of the most universally adored puppets from "Sesame Street" ... over vaccines. 

As ABC News reported, on November 8, the Twitter account for Big Bird — the eight-foot, bright yellow avian Muppet known for his penchant for sing-alongs and roller skates — expressed his (fictional) delight over (fictionally) receiving the COVID-19 vaccine in an effort to encourage vaccination rates among children. "I got the COVID-19 vaccine today!" read the tweet." My wing is feeling a little sore, but it'll give my body an extra protective boost that keeps me and others healthy." (As ABC News noted, the CDC officially recommended kids between the ages of six to 11 years old are eligible to receive the Pfizer vaccine days prior to Big Bird's post.)

Though many public figures, including President Joe Biden, lauded Big Bird's message, Cruz was presumably so outraged by the tweet that he posted his own response — thereby beginning a feud with a universally beloved Sesame Street mainstay. As Cruz wrote in reply, embracing right-wingers and taking on the puppet, "Government propaganda...for your 5 year old!" Needless to say, many took umbrage with the senator's words — including a member of the Trump family.

Mary Trump called out Ted Cruz for going after a puppet with her own hilarious tweet

As many would expect, people did not take kindly to Ted Cruz's slight against Big Bird. (Understandably, starting an online fight with Big Bird is, to a staggering majority, the epitome of punching down at a vulnerable target who happens to encapsulate childhood innocence and wonder.) 

Among them was none other than ex-President Donald Trump's niece Mary Trump, author, psychologist, and (bestsellingTrump family historian. Trump, who has been an outspoken opponent of her uncle during and following his White House tenure, took aim at Cruz in a jab befitting of "Sesame Street" — by listing the things Cruz and Big Bird do and do not have in common. "Big Bird is kind, compassionate, empathetic, loving, adored, and vaccinated," Mary Trump herself tweeted on November 8. "Ted Cruz is . . . vaccinated." 

Her latter point highlighted the strange nature of Cruz's original barb. As CNN reported in April, Cruz has been a staunch proponent of lambasting proven measures against spreading COVID-19 — like wearing masks — and dissuading members of the public from getting vaccines under the guise of freedom of choice, despite his own vaccination status. "CDC has said in small groups, particularly with people who were vaccinated don't need to wear masks," Cruz recently said in the halls of the Capitol Building, per CNN. We're ... just confused. But lets us adults leave Big Bird out of it?