Why Was Tamron Hall Initially Upset When She Found Out She Was Having A Boy?

Everyone has a different journey on getting pregnant and expanding their families, and no two stories are alike. For former "Today Show" personality Tamron Hall, having a baby was not an easy journey. Hall revealed to People that she had tried fertility treatments several times, but sadly, nothing was successful. "When I tried in my 30s, I still felt like I had some time, and the fertility clinic felt like a bright room. In my 40s I saw all the gray," she revealed. "The faces looked gray, the walls were gray, nothing seemed shiny and optimistic."

After leaving the "Today Show" in 2017, Hall had a chance to reevaluate her personal life and decided to take another stab at getting pregnant. By 2018, she was blessed with a pregnancy in her late 40s but worried about sharing the news with the public because she was high-risk. "My doctor said, 'This is your body, your health. You share of your journey what you want to share.' I was terrified I would lose this baby, and I would have to go back and tell everyone that now it was bad news, and after this pregnancy had gone so far," Hall confessed to People. 

At 32-weeks pregnant, she really didn't have a choice, so she took to Instagram in March 2019 to share with fans that she had a little one on the way. Hall gave birth to her son Moses the following month, but it wasn't love at first reveal.

Having a son meant no mini-me fashionista for Tamron Hall

There's no doubt that babies are the biggest blessings in the world. And as soon as most people find out that they are expecting a little bundle of joy, one question comes to mind — the assigned gender. Following her long journey of trying to have a baby, television personality Tamron Hall initially didn't want to find out the gender of the embryo that she transferred in 2018. But soon after she became pregnant, curiosity got the best of her. Hall confessed to People that she "couldn't take it anymore," so she decided to find out. 

When the doctor told Hall that she was having a boy, her reaction was straight-up tears and not the tears of joy that you may be thinking of. She cried sad tears because she realized that a boy wouldn't be the mini-me she had dreamt about. "I started crying because I saw all of my fashion future float [away]. That sounds so vain, but it's true," she confessed to the outlet.

Hall then revealed what her husband had threatened. "And my husband said, 'I will one day tell Moses that you did that.' I'm like, 'No, it's just tears! I visualize myself walking around with a little girl dressed exactly like me!'" While it was a tough pill to swallow at first, Hall is head over heels for her son, Moses. "I could not imagine anything other than what I have," she shared. So sweet!