Jennifer Lopez's AMAs Performance Had Fans Seriously Disappointed

Jennifer Lopez aka JLo is often praised for being a triple threat. Acting, dancing, and singing. She does it all... or does she?

Lopez snagged her first big acting gig when she landed the role of Selena Quintanilla in the hit movie, "Selena." There was only one caveat in the stellar performance — she didn't actually sing. As reported by PopSugar, Lopez lip-synched along to the late singer's voice. All lip-syncing aside, however, Lopez later told Billboard in 2005 that taking on the famous role helped instill a newfound sense of confidence in herself. "[The movie] made me realize, 'Don't neglect parts of yourself and let people put you in a box because you're an actress. You can do this, and you can also do that,'" she explained. "Life is short, and you don't know what's going to happen. Go for your dreams and don't let anyone hold you back."

But on the heels of her 2021 American Music Awards performance, many viewers couldn't help but wonder... is Lopez up to her old lip-syncing ways again? The resounding answer from the almighty Twittersphere might surprise you.

Twitter users accused JLo of lip-syncing at the AMAs

Shortly after Jennifer Lopez delivered her debut performance of "On My Way" at the 2021 American Music Awards, dissatisfied viewers took to Twitter to air out their grievances... and it wasn't pretty. "Jlo really lip synching lol," one user wrote in seeming disbelief. Meanwhile, another user fired out a tweet that read, "It gave terrible lip synching." YIKES.

Fortunately for Lopez, however, some Twitter users opted to take the good with the bad in regards to the "I'm Real" crooner's performance. "Jlo lip synching for her life but she looks pretty," one tweet read. "JLo was lip synching like a mf, but that was a good song ...especially considering it's a movie soundtrack song. Eye [sic] will be adding it to my playlist," another post read.

Sorry, JLo. It looks like you might have some serious 'splaining to do.