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Royal Author Claims King Charles Is Terrified Ahead Of Prince Harry's Memoir

As the so-called "spare" heir, Prince Harry grew up with far fewer royal responsibilities than his brother, William, Prince of Wales. He had more time to get into a lot more trouble. From his teenage years until he met Meghan Markle, Harry had a reputation as a big-time partier. Things changed when he met Meghan, though. When Meghan and Harry were introduced, they were both in their thirties, had a few serious relationships under their belts, and were ready to settle down.

What began as a seemingly perfect love story turned into a mess when Harry and Meghan decided to step away from the royal family in 2020. The British press turned on the couple after the wedding. Hundreds of stories about Meghan allegedly making Kate Middleton cry before the ceremony turned out to be untrue. After months of bad press, Meghan and Harry decided to leave the UK and start over in California as non-working royals. This meant they could no longer be bankrolled by the crown and would have to earn their own income. They quickly signed deals with Netflix and Spotify worth millions each.

For his part, Harry sold a book –- reportedly for millions about his life as a role. The memoir/tell-all, aptly named "Spare," is due early next year, and rumor has it that members of the royal family are positively dreading its release.

The royals are scared of what Harry's memoir may reveal

Pre-orders for Prince Harry's book, "Spare," have already begun, but we know one person who wishes the sales could be delayed indefinitely. Harry's father, King Charles III, is reportedly dreading the book going to print. "This is going to be another series of grenades that they're tossing into the palace. They are terrified," Christopher Anderson, author of "King," told ET.  Charles and his wife, Queen Camilla are reportedly concerned about what Harry could reveal. "I understand it has so much to do with his upbringing, the marriage of Charles and Diana. It's all viewed through this lens now."

The memoir could also spell trouble for Harry and Charles' already complex relationship. "We will have to wait and see if they can bridge the gap," he said. "I think to a certain extent Charles feels betrayed by Harry ... because, in the beginning, the royal family really embraced Meghan," he explained, though he admitted that things quickly broke down between the group. "I think Harry and Meghan really felt dissed in essence by the rest of the family, by not being shown the proper respect that they felt they deserved."

It might seem like Harry and his new book has all the power here, but Charles still holds a few cards, per New York Post. According to insiders, Charles is holding off on giving Harry's children, Lilibet and Archie, titles until the book is published and he can assess just how much damage Harry has done.