The Strange Time Tom Brady Accidentally Waltzed Into A Stranger's Home

During his 20 seasons as the leading quarterback for the New England Patriots, Tom Brady was used to causing a stir on the football field. However, in the immediate aftermath of Brady's career move to join the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, he also started making waves off the field. One bizarre incident that hit the headlines involved Brady accidentally wandering into a complete stranger's home which, let's face it — if you have to deal with a home intruder, then this athlete's definitely not a bad one to encounter.

Brady also received backlash after being thrown out of a Tampa public park for exercising when it was closed during the COVID lockdown. "Sorry @TomBrady! Our @tampaparksrec team can't wait to welcome you and our entire community back with even bigger smiles — until then, stay safe and stay home as much as you can to help flatten the curve," the City of Tampa posted on X, formerly known as Twitter.

The move from Foxborough, Massachusetts to Tampa, Florida took some serious adjusting for Brady and his family, though. The NFL star admitted to Dax Shepard on his "Armchair Expert" podcast that, despite living in the lap of luxury at the mansion he was renting from Derek Jeter, the Brady bunch struggled with their new life. "My daughter's like, 'Daddy, what are we gonna do for Christmas? What are we gonna do for Halloween? Is there Halloween in Tampa?'" Brady said. So, given their difficulties with geographical adjustment, it's little surprise that he was wandering around the 'hood willy-nilly.

Patriot prowler

Many people wouldn't throw Tom Brady out of bed for eating crackers. Still, it's a different kettle of fish when you encounter him unexpectedly wandering around your pad. That's the scenario homeowner David Kramer found himself in when the NFL legend broke into his house in April 2020. It's also a scenario he'll never forget, vowing to tell his future great-grandkids about "the time the G.O.A.T. came through his front door." Kramer told FOX 13 Tampa that he was chilling in the kitchen, playing around on his laptop, when he noticed somebody opening the front door.

"I remember sitting there; I just froze. I was like, 'Oh my God, someone is coming into my house,'" Kramer explained. He said he saw this "good-looking guy" stroll in wearing a baseball cap and carrying two duffel bags. He said Brady set the bags down, then "he looks up at me and says, 'What's up man?'" Kramer shared that Brady said he was meant to be at [Byron Leftwich's] house next door.

Kramer admitted to fangirling after realizing who the intruder was. "I could not gasp the air to say his name," he confessed. Kramer told ABC Action News that Brady had "this look on his face like terror" when he realized his mistake. However, Brady's mishap was Kramer's good fortune, as it helped him sell his home. "[The realtor] said this is the house Tom Brady walked in on, and she did use that, and it did sell," he said.

Life in the Sunshine State

David Kramer doesn't feel ill-will toward Tom Brady. In addition to helping him sell his home, Tom gave him a story to dine out on for years. "Who can say that?" Kramer asked ABC Action News. "Who can say Tom Brady accidentally walked into their house?" Given Florida's "stand your ground" law, Tom's lucky Kramer didn't reach for his gun. "He didn't scare me because he just looked so nice, and he walked in with such confidence that it was just like he belonged there," Kramer said.

He admitted he'd be rooting for Tom in the upcoming game. And Tom didn't let him down. Per ESPN, the Buccaneers beat the Kansas City Chiefs 31-9. Kramer also said that if he met Tom again, presumably under different circumstances, he'd love to know his feelings on the embarrassing incident. Well, Tom did offer some insight on X. "Trespassing in parks, breaking and entering... Just making myself at home in Tampa Bay!" he posted.

It took much longer for the Brady bunch to feel at home in Florida, though. One of the main advantages of moving to the Sunshine State is leaving the Massachusetts rain and snow behind, but not so for Vivian Brady. "Every time we eat, we eat outside, and it's like 85 degrees, [and] she won't eat outside with us. She goes inside the house," Tom admitted on the "Armchair Expert" podcast. "She's like, 'Daddy, I do not like it this hot all the time.'"