Melania Trump Faces Major Accusations From Former Adviser

Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, former senior advisor to Melania Trump, has revealed shocking details about the former first lady's supposed shady activities behind the scenes.

Since 1998, the former model has been in the spotlight for being Donald Trump's right-hand woman. In 2016, her title of wife and mother evolved to the First Lady of the United States after the controversial businessman won the presidential election. "I'm honored to be your first lady," she said in Jan 2017, per NBC. While Melania seemed to take the new title in stride, her time as first lady was far from smooth. From her controversial fashion choices, like her "I really don't care" jacket, to her reported plagiarism of speeches, her four years in the role were anything but scandal-free.

However, this biggest jaw-dropping moment in Melania's tenure as first lady occurred in October 2020, when Wolkoff shared secretly recorded tapes of the supermodel making eye-opening statements about her husband and her White House duties. The shocking recordings were for Wolkoff's tell-all book "Melania and Me: The Rise and Fall of My Friendship with the First Lady." 

Melania can be heard in one recording saying (per CNN), "They say I'm complicit. I'm the same like him, I support him. I don't say enough, I don't do enough where I am." While the tapes certainly stirred the political plot, Wolkoff's new shocking claims are proving to be even worse.

Melania Trump's former senior advisor and friend accuses her of covering up nefarious activities

On December 4, 2023, Melania Trump's ex-friend and former senior advisor, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, made shocking claims about the former supermodel on X (formerly known as Twitter). It all started when political commentator Geraldo Rivera took to his X account on November 28 to defend Melania after her appearance at the memorial service for fellow former first lady Rosalynn Carter. The event also featured four other first ladies in attendance, per The Washington Post

"Disheartening to read snide remarks about #MelaniaTrump. I'm sure most Americans were glad she joined in honoring #RosalynnCarter," Rivera wrote. "Melania was snubbed & underrated when her husband was in office, and she continues to be disrespected by those whose hatred of Trump knows no bounds."

It didn't take long for Wolkoff to respond to Rivera, claiming that Melania isn't innocent. "Disheartening is how @GeraldoRivera & others create EXCUSES for @MELANIATRUMP, a woman who knowingly lies and covers up her family's nefarious activities," she wrote. "There is NO whitewash for Melania. She remained SILENT as I was falsely defamed, sued & criminally investigated (she knowingly & admitted on recording that I served truthfully & honorably)." 

Wolkoff went on to end her post by claiming that Trump has refrained from telling the truth to the American people. Days before her exchange with Rivera, the fashion executive claimed that the memorial appearance was purely for publicity. "Melania made this service a phot op for herself, instead of handling her appearance with dignity and humility," she wrote on X

Stephanie Winston Wolkoff isn't afraid to speak out against Melania Trump

Since the dramatic end of their friendship, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff hasn't been shy about debunking information regarding Melania Trump. In March 2023, the fashion executive slammed a report claiming that the former first lady left Donald Trump amid the Stormy Daniels controversy in 2018. "BS! How do I know? I was there! Melania slept in her bedroom in the WH," Wolkoff wrote on X, in response to an article from The Daily Mail UK. "I accompanied Melania & her mother to the Holocaust Museum. I wrote about it in my book Melania and Me."

Months after calling out the aforementioned report, Wolkoff gave further insight into Melania's marriage with Donald, describing it as transactional. "She has stood by him and will continue to stand by him because she is just like him," she told The Washington Post in November 2023. "It's a completely transactional marriage for both. She knew exactly who she married and warned him that all his secrets would come out if he ran for president." Towards the end of her statement, Wolkoff added that people would be surprised by how much Donald and Melania agree on certain topics, adding, "She accepted it, and she continues to accept it."