The Truth About Matthew McConaughey's Hair Loss Transformation

Matthew McConaughey may be a famous actor and A-list celebrity, but there are still a few things that you might not know about the star. For instance, were you aware of the fact that he's actually never dated his co-stars or that he once found himself under arrest? On top of that, you might not have known that he has made some eyebrow-raising remarks about cancel culture in the past and has also dealt with hair loss. However, he has managed to take action in order to prevent his hair from fully thinning out and to keep his mane looking totally camera-worthy.

Hollywood's go-to Hair Loss Prevention Specialist and the CEO of Regenix, Bill Edwards, opened up to Nicki Swift about what led McConaughey to seek out treatment for his hair-related issues. Edwards says that "McConaughey first came to Regenix in 1999 when he noticed his hair thinning — likely from the stress of being an actor trying to make a name for himself." The expert recalled that the star "had shaved his head for a movie role, and when it grew back, it came in much thinner, with receding in the templar areas and in the crown." Thanks to the fact that McConaughey "caught the problem early, and came in for a hair micro analysis right away," Edwards "discovered a debris buildup within his hair follicles."

So what sort of treatment did McConaughey receive to address his hair loss and what were the results? Read on to find out!

Matthew McConaughey was 'diligent with his treatment regimen'

When Matthew McConaughey discovered that his hair had started to get thinner, he decided to seek out the help of Regenix CEO Bill Edwards, who told Nicki Swift that the star "was very diligent with his treatment regimen, having hair micro analysis done regularly, which allowed us to customize his treatment formulas as he progressed for increased efficiency." What did that involve? "We started him on a regimen of treatment initially to cleanse the follicle entrances," Edwards explained. "Shortly after he moved on to a different formula designed to emulsify and remove the debris deeper within the hair follicles."

In order to achieve the results McConaughey desired, the star "started on the fast track Regenix program, which entails applying the custom liquid formulas to the scalp on a daily basis." Apparently, the actor "was fanatical with his program, and never missed a treatment day — even during press interviews as evidenced in an Elle magazine article where he was being interviewed at 7 in the morning, as he was applying his Regenix treatment."

That was followed by another step which "was to introduce more active formulas designed to increase blood circulation to the scalp; provide extra nutrition within the follicles and neutralize any genetic predisposition to hair loss." The aim is to get "fuller, thicker," and "healthier hair." But is that what McConaughey ended up with?

Matthew McConaughey's hair may now be better than ever

Matthew McConaughey may have once been facing hair loss, however, while working with Hair Loss Prevention Specialist Bill Edwards, the star "responded extremely well" to the treatment he was given. In fact, "in 2001 while on the David Letterman show, he was asked about his hair" and apparently "proclaimed that by using Regenix treatments his hair is better now than it was when he was 18."

"His results speak for themselves — so much so that the media swears that he had a hair transplant," Edwards told Nicki Swift. On top of that, McConaughey has not only "remained a client all these years," but he's also suggested that "family members, managers, agents, and numerous other actors" also use the treatment that's obviously worked so well for him.

Thankfully, you don't have to know a celebrity in order to try The Regenix Starter Kit. Edwards says that you can start the process yourself by "mail[ing] a sample of your hair from anywhere in the country. From there, you're matched with your own personal Hair Therapist, receive a hair microanalysis and report (instructions come in the box), which allows our team to formulate your very own personalized treatment." That sounds as good as your hair will surely end up looking!