Stephanie Sengwe

Photo of Stephanie Sengwe
New York, NY
Hunter College
Celebrity News, Entertainment News, Pop Culture
  • Stephanie Sengwe is a New York-based writer who revels in all things pop culture.
  • She has written for publications such as The Streamable, Vision Monday Magazine, GlobalGrind, and Hollywood Life.
  • She's more than willing to talk about all things Harry Potter and zodiac signs. Just ask.


Stephanie has been infatuated with pop culture news since the early 2000s when Bennifer 1.0 was all the rage and low ride jeans and skinny eyebrows were "cool." She's experimented with other types of art and entertainment writing having worked for a Bronx-based student-run newspaper as well as a dance PR firm, but pop culture news has her heart.


Stephanie got her BA from Hunter College.
Nicki Swift Editorial Policies

Nicki Swift covers celebrity and entertainment news by way of an expert group of editorial professionals. We drive the conversation on everything from trending Hollywood news to star transformations, always striving to deliver the most compelling commentary, bolstered by quality expert opinions.

As we cover a wide breadth of pop culture, we're constantly reviewing, fact-checking, and updating stories to ensure they're accurate and current. Additional information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Stephanie Sengwe