Meghan McCain Believes She Figured Out What The GOP Really Wants In Their Next Presidential Candidate

The main talk of the town in the GOP world is trying to figure out who is bold enough to stand up to Donald Trump, appeal to Republican voters, and take the presidential nomination away from Trump. Florida Republican Party chair and state Senator Joe Gruters told NBC News that he believes Ron DeSantis is "the odds-on favorite to be the next president." Even Trump praised DeSantis in a Fox Business interview on April 29 and said he would run with him. "A lot of people like that — I'm just saying what I read and what you read, they love that ticket," Trump said. "But certainly, Ron would be considered. He's a great guy."

There are some rumors floating around that former Vice President Mike Pence will make a dash for the 2024 presidential nomination. "You should not underestimate Pence—he has broad support among the big donors and in Congress, beyond just evangelicals," a source told Vanity Fair. "He's incredibly ambitious. He's a person who sees himself as the president. In the meantime, he's making real money for the first time in his life. Running for president is also a great way of making six-figure speeches."

But what about Meghan McCain's thoughts on who should take the reins for the 2024 race? She has always been very vocal about her disdain for Trump and everything he stands for, so it's not likely she will support him running for the nomination. Well, McCain believes that she knows who will appeal to the Republican base and save the future of the GOP.

Meghan McCain is rooting for a Republican 'Mr. Rogers'

Although many political pundits have tried to read the temperature of what the Republican base is looking for in their next leader, Meghan McCain believes she has the answer. McCain wrote an Op-Ed for Daily Mail to convince her GOP base that Virginia Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin has his finger on the pulse of what Republican voters are looking for.

"Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin could not be more a different personality to President Trump. He is a congenial, calm-spoken, everyman. A former vestry server at the Holy Trinity Church in McLean, VA who has been married to the same woman since 1995 and has four children," McCain said. "In fact the best thing I can say about him is that he reminds me of the beloved children's television host Mr. Rogers." McCain mainly discusses how the vast differences in personality between Donald Trump and Youngkin can attract former and newer voters who were previously on the fence, especially after dealing with Trump's abrasiveness. "Moderate conservatives who cannot stomach Trump no longer have a reason not to vote Republican," McCain said. "And neither do sensible Democrats who cannot stomach their party's incurable and institutionalised wokery. This is our sweet spot."

This could bring trouble for the future Democratic party and their lead, because Youngkin isn't comparable to Trump. "The problem they have is that Glenn Youngkin is not Donald Trump. He doesn't come across as Donald Trump. He doesn't act like Donald Trump," Tucker Martin, a previous communications director for former Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell, said to NBC News. "It just doesn't add up."